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  • Текст песни Savage Garden - Goodbye

    Исполнитель: Savage Garden
    Название песни: Goodbye
    Дата добавления: 16.07.2014 | 04:15:00
    Просмотров: 48
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Savage Garden - Goodbye, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Another cigarette
    Picked up my keys and left
    Those walls were closing in on me

    The rain was falling down
    I felt my heart just pound
    With thoughts of how we used to be

    It started months ago
    Your distance on the phone
    I tried to change so we'd agree

    Do what you want to do
    I know that we are through
    But tell me why you had to leave

    Lonely words are in my mind
    Your eyes don't hide your love has died
    You're touchin' someone else tonight

    So goodbye
    Don't forget that you were mine
    I'll try to keep my tears inside

    The clock is ticking loud
    It seems the only sound
    That fills this empty place of need

    Reflections on your face
    Your lighter near the vase
    Your lipstick on the glass by me

    Lonely words are in my mind
    Your eyes don't hide your love has died
    You're touchin' someone else tonight

    So goodbye
    Don't forget that you were mine
    I'll try to keep my tears inside

    Еще одна сигарета,
    Хватаю ключи и выхожу -
    Стены словно сомкнулись надо мной.

    Шел дождь,
    В сердце была пустота,
    А в голове – мысли о нас.

    Все началось много месяцев назад,
    Общение по телефону,
    Я пытался все изменить, чтобы найти компромисс.

    Делай, что хочешь,
    Я знаю, через что мы прошли,
    Но скажи мне, почему ты уходишь...

    Просто слова в мыслях,
    Твои глаза не могут скрыть того, что любовь умерла,
    Этой ночью ты обнимаешь кого-то другого.

    Так что прощай,
    Не забывай того, что ты была моей,
    Я попытаюсь спрятать свои слезы,

    Часы тикают слишком громко,
    Похоже что это – единственный звук,
    Который заполняет пустоту.

    На твоем лице отражается
    Отблеск зеркал,
    Отпечаток твоих губ на моем бокале.

    Просто слова в мыслях,
    Твои глаза не могут скрыть того, что любовь умерла,
    Этой ночью ты обнимаешь кого-то другого.

    Так что прощай,
    Не забывай того, что ты была моей,
    Я попытаюсь спрятать свои слезы,
    Another cigarette
    Picked up my keys and left
    Those walls were closing in on me

    The rain was falling down
    I felt my heart just pound
    With thoughts of how we used to be

    It started months ago
    Your distance on the phone
    I tried to change so we'd agree

    Do what you want to do
    I know that we are through
    But tell me why you had to leave

    Lonely words are in my mind
    Your eyes don't hide your love has died
    You're touchin 'someone else tonight

    So goodbye
    Don't forget that you were mine
    I'll try to keep my tears inside
    Goodbye ...

    The clock is ticking loud
    It seems the only sound
    That fills this empty place of need

    Reflections on your face
    Your lighter near the vase
    Your lipstick on the glass by me

    Lonely words are in my mind
    Your eyes don't hide your love has died
    You're touchin 'someone else tonight

    So goodbye
    Don't forget that you were mine
    I'll try to keep my tears inside

    Another cigarette
    I grab the keys and go -
    Closed walls like me.

    Rain came ,
    At the heart was empty ,
    And in my head - the thought of us.

    It all started many months ago ,
    Communication by telephone ,
    I tried to change everything, to find a compromise.

    Do what you want ,
    I know we've been through ,
    But tell me , why are you leaving ...

    Just a word of thought ,
    Your eyes can not hide the fact that love is dead,
    That night you hug someone else.

    So good-bye,
    Do not forget that you were mine ,
    I try to hide my tears ,
    Farewell ...

    The clock is ticking too loudly ,
    It seems that it is - the only sound
    Which fills the void .

    Reflected on your face
    Reflection of mirrors,
    Imprint of your lips on my glass.

    Just a word of thought ,
    Your eyes can not hide the fact that love is dead,
    That night you hug someone else.

    So good-bye,
    Do not forget that you were mine ,
    I try to hide my tears ,
    Farewell ...


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