Message In The Sandstand up.
The twilight's setting in.
I'm lost at the crossroads again.
your bad luck, and totem has arrived but the message is not sinking in.
crossed out, you're crawling on the ground, you cart around your memories of wasting time.
It happened so, so god damned gradually you barely even noticed being boiled alive.
but i can see it in the distance, like a monolith headstone.
why are the whites of your eyes not catching in the sun? leave, you're never going to leave this place while you're alive child.
Borrowed TimeWell I know it's waiting to carry us over and I see you smile
Bridging the chasm that rages below with the ease of a child
I stood there waiting for news
Dragging this terrible weight to cut loose
While you choose to
Break the spell to
Here Comes A Choppercast off the reckoning, it's come, it's come.
seeds of malevolence, full grown, made one.
all the decadence, wealth and machinery.
won't stop the reckoning, blood is our energy.
when the lights go black.
there's no turning back.
the stage is set.
your last regret.
Message In The Sandstand up.
The twilight's setting in.
I'm lost at the crossroads again.
your bad luck, and totem has arrived but the message is not sinking in.
crossed out, you're crawling on the ground, you cart around your memories of wasting time.
It happened so, so god damned gradually you barely even noticed being boiled alive.
but i can see it in the distance, like a monolith headstone.
why are the whites of your eyes not catching in the sun? leave, you're never going to leave this place while you're alive child.
Monopoly ManHe only lies when he opens his mouth
Walled up inside of his generous house
He said how many does it take?
How many does it take?
He's shredding documents two at a time
Cooked up the balance sheet and selling as prime