Sons Of Kyuss все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Happy BirthdayHappy, happy birthday
Two years dead today
You can't keep me running
You can't keep me from hiding from you
Don't mess around with me
I'm down to the wire
And I'm burning
I'm burning higher and higher and higher
Isolation DesolationWait for me
At the edge of the world
Don't come to me if you're not quite sure
Did you feel the emptiness inside your soul
Did it break that heart of coal
Did your walls of sin
Crumble at your feet
KingHey, you
You're on your knees
You say you love me
So prove it to me
Cause I'll never, never, well never,
Say I love you...
You know
Love Has Passed Me ByDo I look blind, or deaf, or dumb to you?
Do you see burning pictures on my face?
It didnt take long to figure out what's wrong with you
Fuck off, well I'll put you in your place
Could it be that love has passed me by?
And could it be you're just a thorn in my side?
And all I see is that your walking away from me?
Window Of SoulsTwo worlds seperate us
I'm alone and waiting
Waiting for you
Little princess
Come by my side
Come around
Come around to me