A Good Death [Music written by Cary Geare, lyrics written by Josh Miller]
Cornered and helpless. I'm horrified and shaking
But I must not show fear nor cry out in order to have a good death
I must not beg for mercy. I will not see the next day
But I'm proud, as the blade strikes I leave to join the gods
I feel the warmth as my life disbands, spilling onto the
Staining the sand, the crowd roars as I fall lifeless and silent
A Great LiberationGazing aimlessly into the night
While the rest of us
Restless and wrestling with our thoughts
Attempt to flee the nest
And build our ruminations
On pillars of the mind
Whose strength will grant
Attack on Prague A mind that's been stretched to newer frames
can never return to it's original state,
and in the sensation that you feel,
the one that comes and fades,
is a perfect greatness lying in wait.
Freedom from impulse
has never been required more
than it is in relation to the state we're in,
Chorus of the EarthGoing to a place that I have always known,
but by the time I arrive it's already gone.
As it always is, but always wasn't;
long ago when there was nothing here.
Before unnatural disaster had found its origin
there was an ocean that made no waves,
but hummed along in disdain
almost as though it were singing...
Clouded Panes I.
Beneath a distant sky
of a city deprived of day or night,
I try to find a reason for the rhymes
that echo in my mind
and speak to me of times
when we could get by with skinning our knees.
Whispered out reminders that cloud my memories
Coloring the Soul Staring through an endless sea of weathered souls
roaming alone through the great unknown.
Baring jagged teeth at me,
they seem to be reaching out to tell me
something I need to know.
It's useless, though.
They're free of tongues and,
with rotted gums, I hear only screams
Facing the Gorgon Seeking the gift a hero must travel into the darkness
Facing the gorgon serpents atop of her head
Fire glowing, the last thing, any of us shall see.
Frozen forever none have defeated an endless
Labyrinth of soldiers, all different poses
As if they not know of her power
Cold lifeless stone this is different
Long Ago As the vine grows on the rotted oak life goes on,
and even as Icarus falls, the world is turning 'round.
Albeit small, our time spent breathing
is tantamount to something much greater
that we may never see, but will always seek.
Just out of reach we can see it gleaming: meaning.
Chased through the woods
by beasts of heavy stride and sharpened tooth
Mercy for TodayHis name remembered forever a mortal man feared by a nation
His talents legendary, brilliant commander, unstoppable army
Sheath my blade and turn to walk away
Don't forget that I m doing you a favor
Let you live by showing mercy for today
This action goes against my behavior
Your hero your savior
Tactics unmatched, the father of strategy
Myocardial InfarctionBlood supply
Arteries blocked
Oxygen shortage
Will soon be your end
Tightness, pressure, squeezing due to ischemia
Lack of blood oxygen supply
Olympus Is ForgottenThe fall of an empire once ruled over nations
The strongest most ruthless, seemed none would stand
In their way, armies made up of millions
Each Roman warrior knowledge of battle is unmatched
Generals victories, laying waste to the foes
Sacrifice and growing daily, continue to expand
Lasting throughout the ages most powerful
Of nations, none would dare to oppose them,
Pandora's BurdenA jar a box so harmless in appearance containing horrors unimaginable can't be dreamt up
By men all the secrets the power is what draws all to it
Not knowing, curious will be the cause of, our end, protected by an angel,
Molded by each of the gods we know not of her sorrow, her burden
All who venture quest for the prize this item box contains
Countless wars waged, over thousands sacrificing their bodies an endless sea of bones
Unsolved puzzles, one holds the answer a perfect beauty
Beauty bounded for all time.
The Farthest ReachesThe quest to steal the crown the ruler of, the gods himself
Can't stop me now the legions guard the gates
The journey will be so long where I have gone
None of dared to venture, beasts and titans
Creatures from the depths and heavens will all attempt
To stop what will be done, to play the dominate role I will
Lay waste to divine children The cloud protector steal the thunder from a god and make it mine they try to stop me
He sends his children heroes, as I cut them down, invincible
The Prison Walls Fear becomes them and suits them well
as they flee from this new and abundant terror
that ravages the land with a flaming hand
and lays waste to any brave enough to face them.
With grinning visage, they embrace the horror of the ants beneath their feet and feed. Those trained to defend against such a horrendous act have led their men to higher elevations, and I am all that's left. I must find friends that are also as destitute to bring retribution to this mighty unknown and vicious enemy to every living soul.
We must destroy them, or in the struggle be destroyed.
Shaken by grief and void of all moral support, we've retreated and lost all that we've worked so hard to hold on to.
The wall has fallen.
The Stoic SpeaksI genuflect, rather, I kneel in reverence,
in the presence of my peers , my equals. They etch
their impressions in the stone of the earth,
waiting for their time to come.
And many say that God is dead,
but it exists within our heads
and will persist long after our deaths.
Don't tell me your agenda; I have no hope for Heaven.
The Weary WheelThe streamline will carry on
far beyond our lives.
The temple crumbles into dust.
Designed by action,
spinning slender threads
that weave between the walls,
now is the vestige
of a future far to come.
Under a Western Sun Climbing higher still
it is necessary to pause
and think on the odd
or abstract steps along
the narrow staircase you are on,
as are all of us.
In them we'll find the answers
for which our longing grows