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  • Текст песни Sligo Rags - Follow me up to Carlow

    Исполнитель: Sligo Rags
    Название песни: Follow me up to Carlow
    Дата добавления: 09.11.2016 | 07:48:45
    Просмотров: 22
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Sligo Rags - Follow me up to Carlow, перевод и видео.
    Lift MacCahir Og your face
    You're brooding o'er you're old disgrace
    That black FitzWilliam stormed your place,
    He sent you to the Fern.
    Grey said victory was sure
    Soon the firebrand he'd secure;
    Until he met at Glenmalure
    With Fiach MacHugh O'Byrne.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we'll go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    From Tassagart to Clonmore,
    There flows a stream of Saxon gore
    Oh, great is Rory Oge O'More,
    At sending loons to Hades.
    White is sick and Grey is fled,
    And now for black FitzWilliam's head
    We'll send it over, dripping red,
    To Liza and her ladies.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we'll go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we'll go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    See the swords of Glen Imayle,
    They flash all o'er the English pale,
    See all the children of the Gael,
    Beneath O'Byrne's banners
    Rooster of the fighting stock,
    Would you let a Saxon cock
    Crow out upon an Irish rock?
    Fly up and we'll teach him manners.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we'll go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we'll go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    МакКахир, Кавано, внемли,
    К нам снова саксы в дом пришли,
    Давно ль тебя согнал с земли
    Том ФицВилльям Черный?
    Артур Грей пошел на штурм,
    Он ждал побед да жирных кур,
    Пока в долине Гленмалюр
    Не встретился с О'Берном.


    Верь не верь, лорд Килдэр,
    А не зря клялся О'Берн
    Выкинуть тебя за дверь
    С ФицВилльямом старым.
    С алебардой и мечом
    Мы шагаем за вождем,
    Фэй МакХью сказал "Идем,
    Все за мною в Карлоу!"

    Все роды Виклоуских гор -
    Кавано, Тулли и О'Мор
    Вступить решили с Греем в спор
    Под знаменем О'Берна.
    Ирландец, ты с мечом знаком,
    И твердо знаешь свой закон,
    Что попран саксом-петухом.
    Пусть суд твой будет скорым!

    От Тассагара на восток
    Английской крови тек поток,
    Ведь Оуэни О'Мор жесток
    К проклятым англичанам.
    Грей смят, разбит и побежден,
    Теперь ФицВилльяма возьмем
    На пики, а башку пошлем
    Элизабет и дамам.

    Поэтический перевод Павла Осипова:

    Приободрись, МакКаир Ог!
    Твои мольбы услышал Бог,
    Получит горестный урок
    Твой враг - Фитцвильям Черный.
    Уже победу видел Грей
    Но встретился чрез пару дней
    Средь Гленмалеровских полей
    С самим МакХью О'Берном.

    Эй, Фитцвильям, брысь домой,
    Фик расправится с тобой!
    Лорд Килдейр, от гнева вой,
    Скрежеща зубами!
    Хоть до Карлоу дойдем
    С верной пикой и мечом -
    Фик МакХью поклялся в том
    Все - под наше знамя!

    В Глен Имэл мечи блестят,
    Храбрецы туда спешат,
    Там к МакХью и стар и млад
    Под знамена встали!
    Грей хвалился как петух,
    Но теперь испустит дух,
    Полетят перо и пух
    Из саксонской швали!

    Залит Тассагарт и Клонмор
    Саксонской кровью выше шпор
    На славу Рори Ог О'Мор
    Сражался в этой битве!
    Уайт в хандре, а Лейн - бежал
    Фитцвильям Черный проиграл,
    Покуда мертвым он не пал -
    Мы с ним еще не квиты!

    Вариант "Наследия вагантов"

    Приободрись Мак Каир Ог,
    И пусть Фицвильям в прошлом смог
    Побить тебя и за порог
    Прогнать родного Ферна.
    Грей кричал, что победит,
    Что будет кровью враг залит,
    Но в Гленмалере был побит
    Он Фихом МакХью О’Бёрном.

    Лорд Килдэйр, от страха вой!
    Фих расправится с тобой!
    Фицвильям Чёрный, ждём на бой
    Тебя и твою банду!
    С алебардой и мечом,
    С Богом мы к тебе идём!
    Фих кричит, тряся копьём:
    "Все за мной на Карлоу!"

    В Глэн Имэйл блестят мечи,
    Глаза у гэлов горячи,
    Горят огнём костров в ночи
    Под знаменем О’Бёрна.
    Ужели наша храбра рать
    Позволит саксам тут орать,
    Законы наши попирать,
    Прогоним хамов в море!

    Лорд Килдэйр, от страха вой!
    Фих расправится с тобой!
    Фицвильям Чёрный, ждём на бой
    Тебя и твою банду!
    С алебардой и мечом,
    С Богом мы к тебе идём!
    Фих кричит, тряся копьём:
    "Все за мной на Карлоу!"

    Всё с Тассагарда до Клонмора
    Залито кровью дальше взора,
    Ведь сил хватило у О’Мора
    Прогнать саксонцев в Хейд.
    Ранен Уайт, а Лейн бежал,
    Фицвильям Чёрный в битве пал,
    Чью голову в мешке на бал
    Пошлём в подарок Лизе.

    Лорд Килдэйр, от страха вой!
    Фих расправится с тобой!
    Фицвильям Чёрный, ждём на бой
    Тебя и твою банду!
    С алебардой и мечом,
    С Богом мы к тебе идём!
    Фих кричит, тряся копьём:
    "Все за мной на Карлоу!"
    Lift MacCahir Og your face
    O'er you're old disgrace
    That black FitzWilliam stormed your place,
    He sent you to the Fern.
    Gray said victory was sure
    Soon the firebrand he'd secure;
    Until he met at Glenmalure
    With Fiach MacHugh O'Byrne.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    From Tassagart to Clonmore,
    There flows a stream of Saxon gore
    Oh, great is Rory Oge O'More,
    At sending loons to Hades.
    White is sick and Gray is fled,
    And now for black FitzWilliam's head
    We'll send it over, dripping red,
    To Liza and her ladies.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    See the swords of Glen Imayle,
    They flash all o'er the English pale,
    See all the children of the Gael,
    Beneath O'Byrne's banners
    Rooster of the fighting stock,
    Would you let a saxon cock
    Crow out upon an irish rock?
    Fly up and we'll teach him manners.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    Curse and swear Lord Kildare,
    Fiach will do what Fiach will dare
    Now FitzWilliam, have a care
    Fallen is your star, low.
    Up with halberd out with sword
    On we go for by the lord
    Fiach MacHugh has given the word,
    Follow me up to Carlow.

    McKahir, Kavano, heed,
    Saxons came to our house again,
    Long have you driven off the earth
    Tom FitzWilliam Black?
    Arthur Gray went to the assault
    He waited for victories and fat chickens,
    Bye in the Glenmalur Valley
    Did not meet with O'Burn.


    Believe not believe, Lord Kildare,
    And not for nothing that O'Burn swore
    Throw you out the door
    FitzWilliam old.
    With halberd and sword
    We are following the leader,
    Fei McHugh said "Come on,
    All after me in Carlow! "

    All generations of the Wicklow Mountains -
    Cavano, Tully and O'More
    Decided to enter into a dispute with Gray
    Under the banner of O'Burn.
    Irishman, are you familiar with the sword,
    And you know your law,
    What trampled sax-cock.
    Let your judgment be quick!

    From Tassagar to the east
    English blood flow stream
    After all, Owenie O'More is tough
    To the damned Englishmen.
    Gray is crushed, defeated and defeated
    Now fitzwilliam take
    On the peaks, and send the head off
    Elizabeth and ladies.

    Poetic translation of Pavel Osipov:

    Cheer up, McCair Og!
    God has heard your prayers
    Will get a sad lesson
    Your enemy is Fitzwilliam Black.
    Gray already saw victory
    But met after a couple of days
    Amid the Glenmalera fields
    With McHugh O'Burn himself.

    Hey Fitzwilliam, scamp home,
    Fick will deal with you!
    Lord Kildare, with anger howl,
    Grind your teeth!
    Though we will reach Carlow
    With faithful pike and sword -
    Fick McHugh swore
    All - under our banner!

    In Glen Imal swords glisten,
    Brave men rush in there,
    There to McHugh and old and young
    Under the banner rose!
    Gray boasted like a rooster,
    But now it will give up the ghost
    Fly feather and down
    From the Saxon trash!

    Zassit Tassagart and Clonmore
    Saxon blood above spurs
    To the glory of Rory Og O'More
    Fought in this battle!
    White in the spleen, and Lane - ran
    Fitzwill Black has lost,
    Until the dead he fell -
    We are not even with him!

    Option "Heritage vagantov"

    Cheer up Mac Cairo Og,
    And let Fitzwill in the past be able to
    Beat you and beyond the threshold
    Drive away the native Ferna.
    Gray shouted that he would win,
    What will be the blood of the enemy flooded,
    But in GlenMaler was beaten
    He is Fihom McHugh O’Burn.

    Lord Kildare, for fear of howling!
    Fich will deal with you!
    Fitzwill Black, waiting for the fight
    You and your gang!
    With a halberd and a sword
    With God we are going to you!
    Fih screams, shaking a spear:
    "All for me on Carlow!"

    Glen Email glitters swords
    The eyes of the gels are hot,
    Burn fires in the night
    Under the banner of O’Burn.
    Can our brave men be
    Let the Saxons yell here,
    Our laws trample,
    Let us drive boors into the sea!

    Lord Kildare, for fear of howling!
    Fich will deal with you!
    Fitzwill Black, waiting for the fight
    You and your gang!
    With a halberd and a sword
    With God we are going to you!
    Fih screams, shaking a spear:
    "All for me on Carlow!"

    Everything from Tassagard to Clonmore
    Bloodied beyond sight,
    After all, O’More has enough strength
    Get rid of the Saxons in Heyd.
    Wounded White, and Lane fled,
    Fitzwillam Black fell in battle,
    Whose head in the bag on the ball
    Send as a gift to Lisa.

    Lord Kildare, for fear of howling!
    Fich will deal with you!
    Fitzwill Black, waiting for the fight
    You and your gang!
    With a halberd and a sword
    With God we are going to you!
    Fih screams, shaking a spear:
    "All for me on Carlow!"


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