Shogun feat. Emma Lock все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
ImprisonedThrow my cards on the table
Keep trying but I seem unable
To thread the simplest of letters together
To form the words
That I so need to say to you right now
I wish I could a wave a magic wand
And be somewhere else with you
with all this behind us
Run To My RescueMaybe I could just choose to ignore this
Let it fade like water through the sand
Maybe I cold just leave this behind me
Somethings you'll never understand
Cause this is such a fine line
A fine line to cross
And this is not a question
Save MeIt all seemed to disapper
Like it was never really here
This gets so emotional
Nothing left to fear
The pull of ocean tide
Teardrops hung out to dry
I don't want to let go
Not this time