Shockwave все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Divide And ConquerYou merge into your power.A giant in your strength.You are a monster over all of us.And now youre coming down on me.The clock is ticking like a timebomb.Theres no time left for fear.Snap into action.Thats what we have to do.We have to show you what we can do too.Divide and conquer.Youll stand no longer youre going to fall.It makes us stronger to see you crawl away from here.Brick by brick well tear you apart.Well bring you to your knees
Merge For The KillBombshell again were going out of our minds it's just this devil he tries to bury us alive but we're breaking out of this grave we want to see the light it's now or never it's now we'll scream and kick and fight devestate your stratagies we kickback your counter attack we've felt your evil hand upon us we feel your heart destroyed now it's time for you to feel it the wrath of all you've bled nothings going to hold us down we've laid the path for war our hands upon our hearts we swear your pure destruction
Paper DollPaper doll one of a million like you cut from the mtv mold a life with no direction from yourself except to limitate and to fall and burn like your heroes lost your life a broken mirror displays distorted happiness a fools dream doused in flames it's never like what you'd expect when you find that you are an empty husk you 've lost your soul heart spirits you lost it all you gave it all for all the things that make you bleed make you weep make you wish your life a away a paper doll waiting to burn pull from the fire your soul your heart your spirit it's not to late
ShrapnelIt's now the end of taking things lying down sitting up standing one foot away I've had lifeless I've had heartless I've had vacancy a wall built for the purposes of death it's time for ressurection it's time to come alive it's time to face the wall it's time to tear it all down it's coming straight for my heart. self. heart. soul