Better WayTheir idea of success is all I detest I say forget it. All the value today soon gets taken away. Don't they get it? They think that happiness can be purchased, I don't buy it anymore. The people run to have some fun. But their frowns give them away. Give up the chase for a higher taste. We found a better way. They give me advice, But it won't suffice because they're blind men. They're sophisticated, educated - still frustrated. I don't want to be like them. An invitation to follow in your footsteps? I don't buy it anymore. A simple way to live your life, without worry or strife and no misgivings. In harmony with all that be. It's plain to see that's how we should be living. I heard your promises for the future. I don't buy it anymore.
Civilized manThere's a war in the day no peace at night
There's blood on the hands of man yet we don't symathize
The meateater kills the cows they just depersonalize to justify
Their own lust as the helpless die
And it's ironic how we cry for world peace
But the violence won't decrease unless our murders cease
So understand in the slaughter-house who's the beast
And I demand that the innocent be released
ConsumerMagazines fill the aisles for hobbies, clothes and styles. Selling us more all the while.
Commercials tell us what to aquire - planting seeds of desire. Pouring oil on the fire.
The consumer always pays the fee with great hope and anxiety.
But he's always left wanting more.
We're all hungry that's agreed but we don't know what we need.
You see there's more than just this body to feed.
EmpathyIn my world where I'm the king I can't tolerate anything
And because of this I'm suffering all along
In my universe I can't be wrong
All those opposed just move along
Cross my path and you'll be gone
Empathy, empathy will I emphatize?
Emphatize can I look through your eyes
Here We GoJust he uses love for sex
And sure she uses sex for love
And they're both hoping for the best
I also have that dream you're thinking of
If we place a blindfold on our eyes
Iron and gold appear the same
It's intense hope that makes us try
So we go on and play the game
In Defense Of RealitySecurity. Well, how secure are we?
Making our plans in a castle of sand as our dreams get
Dragged to sea. You say you're independent; well is that
A fact? It's by creation's donation that you are maintained
But you'd rather turn your back. In defense of reality!
Today's modern science is your modern religion. Guesswork
Taught as fact--"Don't talk back"--blind faith in their decision.
You say explosion started creation, and we're just chemical
Letter To A FriendWe were friends since school
The punks were never cool
But we didn't care anyway
And even in the scene
When it was cool to be mean
We walked the other way
The other way
Not Just a PackageJust lump everyone in. Then you don't have to begin. To use discrimination. And to set the matter straight. And to end some pointless hate. Here's some information: I'm not proud of my place of birth. some random place on earth. I claim no nationality. I'm no religious institution or denomination. I'm a seperate personality. Don't put your labels on me. There's so much more you can't see. Stop soncocting stories, inventing categories. Of who I should be. We're all in cults - I'm not alone. Before you go and cast the first stone. Think of all thats programmed in your head. All these loaded words aside, The question is: how to purify life? Soon you'll be dead. Although you point at me. It's obvious to see: That all the people do conform. And that this whole world's a stage. And everyone's engaged in dressing in different uniforms. To become unconditioned from society. You must know who you are, originally. Take a look at the costume you wear. From your sneakers to your hair. Who's life is the fantasy? All designations aside. I'm not trying to hide. Behind some churchianity. We're all wandering spirit souls. And if you too want life's goal. We must develop honesty.
Public Eye""In the public eye they抳e fabricated you. Chose your selling points to sell. Became an object they can hate or pursue. But no one asked just how you felt. But don抰 you think I feel? Don抰 you think I抦 real? Are you so dull that you don抰 have a clue? And I don抰 think it抯 right this invasion in my life. No one day you抣l feel what I抦 going through. In the public eye you抮e always on stage. They抳e magnified your every move. Free to roam around in your golden cage. But you better watch just what you do. And you抮e bound by their chains you抮e not allowed to change. In the public eye. And you抮e living a life you must defend in the public eye. In this world you exchange the right to know who抯 your real friend and why it抯 a loser抯 game that I can抰 win I can only try.""
Refusal[Beyond Planet Earth 1997]
As a youth I knew it, and yes I did bend
I wanted acceptance and friends
Confidence broken from repeated peer pressure
I'd give in again and again
And yes, I wanted love but I loved what's inside
And I remeber the day when I drew that line
Between following my heart and someone else
Rejuvenate[ Beyond Planet Earth 1997 ]
I feel the pressure pinching
I feel it strangulate
Although I'm on a path
I get enticed to deviate
Sometimes life is peircing
Just want to intoxicate
And run away from all the pain
ShelterNama om visnu- padaya
Krsna- presthaya bhu- tale
Srimate bhaktivedanta
Svamin iti namine
I offer respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to
Lord Krsna, having taken shelter at his lotus feet
Simplified""We've built our home our fort our nest and cluttered it up with a worthless mess our real worth is not our wealth have we lost touch with our true self simplify (Ohohohoh ohohohoh) If I can simplify this life and simplify my ways today Clean up this clutter in my way Just simplify decide what's truly important in this life What can I really call mine? Slave to a car a card desire squeeze some joy from what we acquire our hearts are dry and we soon tire I have to throw it all away someday simplify (Ohohohoh ohohohoh) If I can simplify this life and simplify my ways today Clean up this clutter in my way Just simplify decide what's truly important in this life What can I really call mine and we keep breaking on down break it down just think of where we might be instead of bein' drained we crazy fight the land full of technology aren't you fed of bein' stranded just foolin' alone in the sea you boost to clarify get benefice and get back you're off to me Losing touch attacked by greed overlooking what we truly need all we collect has it value have we lived a life so shallow simplify (Ohohohoh ohohohoh) If I can simplify this life and simplify my ways today Clean up this clutter in my way Just simplify decide what's truly important in this life What can I really call mine?""
The Value of Sitting With Myself[The Puropse, The Passion 2001]
Not a hermit, not depressed, don’t mind bein’ here comfortless, sometimes I know it’s best, just sit here with my mind
Life is now and zooming by, the moment is the highest high, no waitin’, hatin’, live it, give a try
In the van on tour again seems like a moving picture show, we must let go, excited senses overwhelmed I float on air with nothing below, we must let go so take the car tonight, I’ll be beyond alright, missed the party and the hype, it’s more than alright, just sittin’ with myself
(Yeah yeah oh) (x2)
The value, I sit here with myself
To be alone but not lonely, to be the one that comforts me, my attachments spell catastrophe I’ve seen and I have spoken, I have heard, now it’s time to live that word, it’s so plain to see what is absurd, just see
When 20 Summers PassI’ve got to concentrate on priorities.
Can’t negate what means the most to me.
What’s our fate?
What’s our destiny?
Start with each moment’s activity.
I try, I try, I try, I try
But what’s important slips right by.
When 20 summers pass and they’ll go fast.
Будь моим солнцемВот и всё, тот голос и взгляд не волнуют во мне
Вот и всё, не болит, другой, другой
А те глаза, то искрой, то льдом прожигают меня
Просто так, безнадёжно брожу в изумруде дней
Играть не надо, сердце устало от пряток,
Звезд миллион во вселенной, а ты будь моим солнцем
Играть не надо, сердце не примет всех взяток
На моей глубинеКак я заслужила гибнуть в холоде, Что я не даю, когда так просят Мои вечные железные оковы Придумала и выбросила ключ На моей глубине темно и страшно, Там нет ответа... Только океаны слез... Как мне дышать - не понимаю, Но задушить мне по плечу. Мне жаль, но тебя я убиваю Небрежно... Роняя твое сердце... Твое сердце... Твои руки... Мои губы... Мое сердце... Твое сердце... Мне на плечи... Теперь снег На моей глубине темно и страшно Там нет ответов, Только океаны слез Мне жаль, но тебя я убиваю Небрежно...небрежно... Роняя твое сердце