Sequester все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
A Feral ApparitionEarly one morn:
"Come see what I have just now discovered
Hidden beneath the deep!"
Excitedly he told me
So did I follow
My grandfather to this new obsession
What horrors would I see?
Confined To SilenceA child waits with the shameless below
The spaces are still in the vision
Crouched together
Faded into the grey distance
Yet I see them lying over there
Frozen they stand
Escaping the Mind2. Escaping the Mind
Vile heat
That unforgotten scene
I don't belong here
I'm lost in time
Intentional or not
Nameless OneSomehow I’m seeing something
Too dead to recognize
My skin’s cryptic writing
Won’t tell me who I am inside
Am I still alive
Or have I reached the end
I don’t know who you are
Paths Of The DeadNote: In the chorus I say 'This is the Paths Of The Dead.' I'm aware this sounds grammatically wrong, but it isn't; blame Tolkien for calling a single path 'Paths Of The Dead.'
Cursed and fallen
Men of mountain
Fled and hidden
Oaths forgotten
Hear them calling
The AwakeningI feel something is changing
Caught between my senses
Confusing the mind
I see our lives turning to relations by coincidence
I do not understand it
Amazed by subtle actions
Odd synchronicities