Closer To The Skies1.
Another star
Faded out above our heads,
We could never see the end.
It's all we've got
Getting closer to the skies,
There's no need for stupid whys.
For All The Broken HeartsI loose myself to dance
The sounds are everywhere,
I hear them long before
My ears can hear 'em all,
Hear 'em all.
Most Of The Words1.
In fact, we know
It was a lie
Most of the words we told
Each other last night.
We played a game
Like times before
Accepting something less
Nobody Knows1.
Get up!
Your everyday fall
Does look great
But it's not well-paid.
You're up
To something unknown
On your way
Out Of Time1.
The moments we've shared
We're put in frames on the wall,
In frames on the wall.
We're drifting away
From ourselves for reasons unknown,
For reasons unknown.
Reason To Be Glad1.
Take a breath,
Fill your lungs with some fresh air.
Well, you know,
I don't need any reason
To be sad,
Sometimes it's gotta happen -
You feel low
Slow the momentThis city never sleeps,
The dreams grow fast, end up faster.
We love what nights bring,
Don't care if mornings bring disaster.
We celebrate the youth,
The lack of skills replace with passion,
Even being used
We smile to pleasures of the action.
Things To Run FromI don't know
When it all went wrong
But it's time to change
The ways that I go
Take a step
Away from false debts
From what's left behind
But I still have some more
Another day has slipped away,
We acted well in this small play.
The curtains fall, we say good-bye
To magic moments of our lives.
I hear you call my name,
What We're Up To1.
I wake up, it feels just fine
Inside my drowsy mind.
Your image stuck in my head
As I get out of bed.
Well, I need to reach you now,
So, I just go
To find you in this town.
What's Goin' OnYou hear me open up the door,
I hit a suitcase with your clothes,
I look at you, you turn away.
What's goin' on? (х4)
Tonight we'll lose ourselves in a fight,
Emotions never fade,
But we both know we're doing it right,
Боль и любовьОткрою дневник, а там
Заданий не по годам
Учили так надо
Без пользы с наградой
Система так шепчет нам
Вставая к 8ми утра
Физра, а потом литра
Девять и три четвертиМоя сова
Видно в "что, где, когда?", никакого письма
Лишь слова
Шрам на лице
От той драки весной
Хогвартс к черту, не спорь:
Есть лицей
Успеть всёУспеть всё:
Сгибая стрелки часов
Спуская рифмы как псов
На полигоне частот
Успеть всё:
Энергоблоком вращать
В критических мощностях