1994Don't you get comfortable. We are not a part of your furniture. We do not belong. We are here to burn your world to the ground. There is no corner to put us into. There is no wool over my eyes. I perceive... You can't poison the cure. What we carry crushes kingdoms. We will usher in a new age of truth. Make no mistake... The past is gone. We will scream into the ears of those who sleep. We carry your awakening and we are far beyond driven. Far Beyond Driven.
AblazeI will burn...
I will burn...
Through the world's affliction
Through the earth's decay and rot You reign
Victor to the victims
Life and restoration in Your name
Mercy for resistance
CeremonyI exist to bring you despair. I exist to usher your destruction. Total chaos. Total obliteration. Your very demise is on the tip of my tongue. No more lies. No more deceit. I have come to end it all. I have arrived. I have awakened. Years of sorrow and years of torture culminating in this very instance. A lesson lived, seven lessons learned. Behind your disguise there is no surprise. Can you see them? The horde of soldiers shrouded in light? Standing by my side? As we sing a new song with fire in our eyes, this ritual is taking place.
Behold your downfall. Welcome to your deathbed. Behead the serpent. Dig the grave. Bury the body. Walk away. Walk away smiling...
Like A TrainwreckWith your sights aimed squarely at your two left feet, and your feet headed straight for your mouth; you run in ever decreasing circles of self defeat. Intent on keeping your eyes glazed over and your head filled with lies. The truth is screaming at you, but the hedonistic hum of the west is all-consuming. It matches your frequency with the brownest of notes while you medicate and masticate your way through life. Beauty passes beneath your nose unnoticed, for the beholders eyes were torn from their sockets long ago. On your quest for self-gratification, I've seen you turn a blind eye and drown out the voice of truth so many times, that I wonder if you even really want to be saved. But I can't leave you here to die. I can't just leave you here to bleed. Here to bleed. Here to die.
OaxacaThrough storms and wars take me into a new place, a world so beautiful, a city of treasure buried beneath a sky of injustice. I am here, but I am filled with fear. Am I ready or am I standing in naivety? Send me out. Send me out... Through storms and wars take me into a new place, a world so beautiful, a city of treasure buried beneath a sky of curses. In the air the smell of death, the grip of fear was all surrounding. The oppression all-consuming, overbearing, overwhelming. I am here, but I am filled with fear. Am I ready or am I standing in naivety? ([Nick & Mattie] But the scriptures tell us that the Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power and of love and of a sound mind, that we can go into the world and that Christ will be our strength and our protection, and that the sick will be healed and the dead will be raised). [Growling by Mattie] Send me out [Mattie & Nick] : Let it be [Nick & Mattie]. Send me out : Let it be [Nick & Mattie]. I am your hands, God use me [Mattie & Nick]. Send me out [Nick], out [Mattie] : Let it be [Nick]. Let it be [Mattie]. I am your hands [Nick], your hands [Mattie], God use me [Nick & Mattie]... A nation on it’s knees will see the power of God released. A nation on it’s face will see salvation in this place [Mattie & Nick].
ShekinahAs in the days of old
The glory fills the temple of the Lord
We are your temple
We are your temple
The burning deep inside of my heart
These lips adorned with praise
The Antem of the UndergroundFight. Fight til the death! Fight. Fight until our dying breath. We are the broken. We are the lost. We are the ones who'll take this back at all costs. This generation is alive. The sleepless ones who'll raise the dead. Because we have nothing to lose. You can't hang this death over our heads. No. This is the time for which we're born, and there's no way to slow us down. This is te anthem of the underground. We are the broken. We are the lost. We are the ones who'll take this back at all costs. We are the faithful. We are the few. We are the chosen. We are the true.
The First Woe
and the mocking will stop.
Your songs will fall silent.
All consuming, the sound of human torture.
Your joys will cease
and the mocking will stop.
Your songs will fall silent.
UnbreakableNew life, resurrected, one chance to start again
My heart and soul convicted
Freed from a life of pain
This world will not break me
Its lies won't hold me down
I'll stand strong by your side
Unified we'll stand our ground
Through blood we are brothers
Where It Rains.... If I could take you away, I’d take you to a place where I can sing you to sleep, somewhere I don’t have to scream. To a place where I can open my chest without being afraid. And there the future wouldn’t writhe. And there the future wouldn’t writhe. Where He reigns: Where it Rains: Where He reigns. Take me to a place where tomorrow wouldn’t cripple me with fear... cripple me with fear. There tomorrow would not cripple me with fear. There tomorrow would not cripple me with fear. There, we could sit and talk the hours past and pain would wither in the radiance of His blessing, this blessing... of His blessing, this blessing. Please bless this. Father preserve us. Maybe even our feet would never again touch the ground and it would rain every single day. Maybe even our feet would never again touch the ground and it would rain every single day. No more sunshine and here we find comfort and rest, only and always in (always in) eternal Son shine (Son shine). Always.