1 - Rudolph the Red Nosed ReindeerRei: Makka na o-hana no tonakai-san wa
Itsumo minna no waraimono
Ami: Demo sono toshi no kurisumasu no hi
Santa no o-ji-san wa iimashita
3 - When the Saints Go Marching InUsagi:
Everyone, leave the harmony to me. Without this
person, you can't tell the tale of Christnas.
Finally the performer is here. And that person is me!
Kyou kara minna de
Uta o utaou yo
Asa kara ban made youki ni utaou
Eternal Sailor Moon - Tsukino Usagi PoemЯ мечтаю увидеть тебя.
Одинокими ночами я закрываю глаза.
Ты такой тёплый – я чувствую это, когда ты нежно обнимаешь меня. Только по теплу я определяю, что это действительно ты.
Ты остаёшься на моей стороне, невзирая ни на что. И внимательно наблюдаешь за мной.
Я прячу лицо в этом объятии...
Я медленно закрываю глаза, окутанная твоим теплом.
Аромат нежного солнца. И сейчас я чувствую его рядом.
Обними меня крепче, пусть волосы растреплются.
Sailor Chibimoon - Chibiusa PoemНаступит день, и я превращусь в прекрасную леди. И я встречу своего единственного принца.
Уверена, что моя любовь будет чудесна.
Та, которая начнётся с нежного поцелуя – точно так же, как произошла встреча моих мамы и папы.
Та, в которой наши сердца будут вместе вечно – неважно, как далеко мы будем находиться друг от друга.
Та, с которой моё сердце переполнится счастьем от одного только имени, произнесённого шёпотом.
Одевшись в тонкое розовое платье и надев на палец кольцо, тайком позаимствованное у мамы, я бегу на морское побережье, где ждёшь меня ты.
Скажи, как ты думаешь, Диана... Этот день когда-нибудь наступит?
Sailor Galaxia PoemTrash… Trash, trash, trash! Everywhere I go, nothing but trash. Nothing but planets of trash. This wasn’t my planet either.
This extra power of mine, I am the one chosen by God. I want stronger power. It must be somewhere. It will give me more power. A shining planet suited for me…
Who… Who is it, calling me… Who are you…
A dream… So it was a worthless dream of long ago, when I was wandering in search of a place to live.
Sailor Galaxia PrologueI feel it… The energy of eternally shining stars. True starseeds.
On that blue planet, many starseeds are yet sleeping…
Find them. Steal the starseeds, so that all the galaxy will be mine.
The shadow of the galaxy… The Shadow Galactica. I am the queen of the Shadow Galactica, Sailor Galaxia.
Sailor Jupiter - Kino Makoto Prologue The winds are calling out. All the trees are rustling. It foretells a storm.
I always run to where I can hear the distant thunder. Pierce the darkness, call a storm, a green flash of lighting!
I am Sailor Jupiter. I am the soldier of protection, and I carry the protection of the planet of thunder, Jupiter.
I am the forests. I am the leaves of the trees. My heartbeat is the breath of the earth. I am the incarnation of the living earth and wind.
Sailor Mars - Hino Rei PoemRun......
Running, running, running,
Around the next turn in the road......
You should slowly be coming up this hill,
... but you're not here anymore
I didn't like my bangs this morning,
I couldn't tie the bow on my uniform that well
The depths of my heart creaked open a little ...
Sailor Mars - Hino Rei PrologueFlames… Swirling pieces of gold, creating a red wind. Taking in war and even the future, my incarnation continues to dance.
I am Sailor Mars. I am the soldier of war, and I carry the protection of the planet of fire, Mars.
Inside my mirror of flame, I can even see today. You, losing a bit of cheer. Don’t just smolder. I, Hino Rei-sama, will share with you the charm of the flames of Mars.
What do you pray for? Achievement in school? Achievement in love?
Sailor Neptune - Kaiou Michiru PoemГлубокое море, объединяющее всех и вся. Великая сущность, вбирающая в себя даже море. Принцесса. Даже если опустится тьма, она будет защищать мир.
Но она слишком мягкая... Нет, она слишком нежная. Что если однажды она расстанется с жизнью из-за своего доброго сердца?
Всё-таки я не могу взвалить это на их плечи. Я не переживу, если принцесса столкнётся с ещё более серьёзной опасностью, чем эта. Я не могу позволить ей замарать руки.
Море... Глубокое море, объединяющее всех и вся. Великая сущность, вбирающая в себя даже море. Принцесса. Даже если опустится тьма, я буду защищать тебя.
Sailor Neptune - Kaiou Michiru PrologueEvery night a dream foretelling the end of the world repeated in my mind. In that scene, the memory of my previous life awakened. The memory as Sailor Neptune, carrying the protection of the planet of the deep sea, Neptune.
But I had a dream as Kaiou Michiru… A dream of becoming a violinist.
Being attracted to one with the same destiny, Ten’ou Haruka, I abandoned my dream and decided to live as a soldier. I felt pride in having the same fate as Haruka. Haruka accepted fate as well, and became my partner.
…Then the world was saved from oblivion.
Sailor Pluto - Meiou Setsuna PoemWhen I pack that planet's soil down with my steps,
My feelings beautifully boil over
Into a sweet song of green on my lips
When I embrace the thin shoulders of the ones I hold dear,
Without thinking I trap in the depths of my heart
A song of secret love
On that sort of day,
Sailor Saturn - Tomoe Hotaru PoemSay, Haruka-papa. I wonder, how far does that darkness in the sky go? Is there a pitch-dark wall at the far end? Or is it dark like that for infinity?
Say, Michiru-mama? I wonder where rain comes from. From that city of twilight? Or from the bottom of the sea? I wonder where that puddle that disappeared went.
Say? Setsuna-mama? Why does the dawn come? That beautiful woman in the moonlight withered away. The white butterfly I caught that day with Haruka-papa and Michiru-mama died in the birdcage.
I wonder why. I'm lonely when I close my eyes. All kinds of "wonders", I saw spinning inside the lavendar monitor. Letting a drop of water fall, it spins like a filament. On and on...
Sailor Saturn - Tomoe Hotaru PrologueSurely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Sailor Venus - Aino Minako PrologueIn the night sky there must be a crescent moon, and in life there must be love. If you want a wonderful love, just leave it to Minako-sama here!
I am the soldier of love, and I carry the protection of the planet of love and beauty, Venus. I am Sailor Venus.
Now, now, leave the anguish and troubles of love to the goddess of love, Venus-sama.
So, when you fall in love, first it affects your digestion. After you’ve loved, you must purify your life. Don’t let any chance get away. For now, after lunch shall we go for tea?