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  • Текст песни Anathema - Judgement

    Исполнитель: Anathema
    Название песни: Judgement
    Дата добавления: 17.06.2014 | 16:28:33
    Просмотров: 26
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Anathema - Judgement, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?


    Asleep is the rose, in tired innocence dreaming time away.
    Secure in the comfort of slumbers faint embrace. Blissfully
    ignorant, unaware of the imminence. Recurring memories emerge
    from the deep of old secrets unforgotten sleep. They sink
    beneath the surface just long enough for you to breathe. Then
    return to choke you when you wake up alone. Shredded inside
    there's one place left to turn. A long-term problem, a temporary
    remedy, but fuck it all anyway you can pretend to be happy. So
    many years of pathetic lies, empty promises and unfulfilled dreams
    are scattered like dust into the winds. Looking for the sun that
    eclipsed behind black feathered wings. Tomorrow never comes, there
    was only ever one day but now it's too late.

    The inequity of fate
    The pains of love and hate
    The heart-sick memories
    That brought you to your knees

    And the times when we were young
    When life seemed so long
    Day after day
    You burned it all away

    All the hate that feeds your needs
    All the sickness you conceive
    All the horror you create
    Will bring you to your knees


    Спящая роза в утомлённой невинности проводит жизнь в мечтаниях, безмятежна в убаюкивающем утешении сна, блаженна в неведении, не подозревающая об опасности. Возвращаются, всплывая из памяти, далёкие воспоминания старых тайн незабываемого сна. Они уходят под поверхность надолго, достаточно долго для того, чтобы ты успел сделать глоток воздуха, затем возвращаются, чтобы задушить тебя в час пробуждения, когда ты один. Разорван изнутри, но осталось место, чтобы развернуться. Сложная проблема - быстрое решение, но, чёрт побери, в любом случае ты можешь притворяться счастливым. Столько лет трогательной лжи, пустых обещаний, мечты, которые не сбылись, развеяны, как песок ветром. В поисках солнца, скрывшегося за чёрным опереньем крыльев. Завтра никогда не наступит, был такой день... но теперь слишком поздно.

    Несправедливости судьбы,
    Боль ненависти и любви,
    Гнетущие воспоминания
    На колени ставят тебя.

    Мы были молоды, и тогда
    Жизнь казалась нам долгой.
    Благодаря тебе день за днём
    Она горит огнём.

    Вся ненависть, питающая твою нужду –
    Недуг, который тебя сломил.
    И перед ужасами, что ты сам создал,
    Ты без сил колени преклонил.

    Asleep is the rose, in tired innocence dreaming time away.
    Secure in the comfort of slumbers faint embrace. Blissfully
    ignorant, unaware of the imminence. Recurring memories emerge
    from the deep of old secrets unforgotten sleep. They sink
    beneath the surface just long enough for you to breathe. Then
    return to choke you when you wake up alone. Shredded inside
    there's one place left to turn. A long-term problem, a temporary
    remedy, but fuck it all anyway you can pretend to be happy. So
    many years of pathetic lies, empty promises and unfulfilled dreams
    are scattered like dust into the winds. Looking for the sun that
    eclipsed behind black feathered wings. Tomorrow never comes, there
    was only ever one day but now it's too late.

    The inequity of fate
    The pains of love and hate
    The heart-sick memories
    That brought you to your knees

    And the times when we were young
    When life seemed so long
    Day after day
    You burned it all away

    All the hate that feeds your needs
    All the sickness you conceive
    All the horror you create
    Will bring you to your knees

    " Verdict "

    Sleeping rose weary innocence spends his life in dreams , serene sleep to the soothing comfort , in blissful ignorance , unaware of the danger . Return , surfacing from memory, distant memories of old secrets unforgettable dream. They go under the surface for a long time , long enough for you to have time to do a breath of air , then return to choke you in the hour of awakening , when you are alone . Broken inside, but there is a place to turn around . Complex problem - a quick fix, but damn it , in any case, you can pretend to be happy. Touching so many years of lies , empty promises , dreams that did not come true , scattered , as the sand by the wind. In search of sun , hiding behind black feathered wings. Tomorrow never comes , was such a day ... but now it's too late.

    Injustice of fate ,
    Pain hatred and love ,
    depressing memories
    On your knees give you.

    We were young, and then
    Life seemed to us long .
    Thanks to you day after day
    She was on fire .

    All the hatred that fuels your need -
    Illness , which you broke .
    And the horrors that you yourself created ,
    You exhausted your knees bent .


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