1.Oh mii miliy varenichkiv hoche-2r Navarish lovely-2p, navari, y-ha-ha, my chornobrave | 2p
2.Ta th firewood is the same, my Mili mi, cute That firewood is the same, the blue is syzy | Narubai sweet-2p, break it, y-ha-ha, my chornobrave | 2p
3.This were the same, Milius mi, dear That was the same, the blue, the blue | Die, dear-2p, die, y-ha-ha, my chornobrave | 2p
4.Az kim budish to live, my dear mihy dear So zkim budish live, the blue me syzy | I from the kum, sweet-2p, iz kumoy, u-ha-ha, my chornobrave | 2p
5. So let's go to dodom, my dear me, sweet little Varenichkiv, I'll cook, I'm blue, syzy Do not spoil the cute-2p, do not spoil, y-ha-ha, my chornobrave | 2p