I must go -
they'll wonder where I am . . .
wait for me, Raoul!
Christine, I love you!
Down Once More - Track Down This MurdererPHANTOM (furiously propelling the boat onwards)
Down once more
to the dungeon
of my black despair!
Down we plunge
to the prison
of my mind!
Down that path
No One Would ListenNo one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears.
Shamed into solitude
Shunned by the multitude
I learned to listen
In my dark, my heart heard music
The Point of No ReturnPast the point of no return, no backward glances
Our games of make-believe are at an end
Past all thought of if or when, no use resisting
Abandon thought and let the dream descend
What raging fire shall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks it's door?
What sweet seduction lies before us?
Theme SongIn sleep he sang to me,
In dreams he came.
That voice which calls to me,
And speaks my name
And do I dream again?
For now I find,
The Phantom of the Opera is here,
Inside my mind
Wandering child, so lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance
Angel or father? Friend or phantom? Who is it there, staring?
Why Have You Brought Me HereRAOUL:
Why have you brought me here?
Can't go back there!
We must return!
Wishing You Were Somehow Here AgainYou were once
my one companion . . .
you were all
that mattered . . .
You were once
a friend and father -
then my world
was shattered . . .
Будь со мнойБудь со мной,
Будь со мной в мыслях,
После слов – "прощай".
Хоть иногда,
Прошу не забывай.
Если вдруг
Призрак ОперыКристин:
Во сне являлся он, в ночной тиши,
он пел мне музыку моей души,
но не во сне теперь,а на прямиг.
В мой разум призрак оперы проник
Он мой двойник