AtupoemaПоэма о себе
Я гуляю в одиночестве
Не потому, что я потерялась,
А потому, что мне так хочется.
Они зовут меня.
Они верят, что я испуганна.
Но Глушь - моя подруга.
Они могут схватить меня,
ChainBehold the dream that makes you forget
That a time passes by.
Tried to call,
But the eyes, they pray, pray for them.
Oh man, confess your sins and sorrows.
It's been years since last time you eased the pain.
Loose those ropes and chains that hold you in silence,
Death - HymnDreams carry me into sleep
As I sigh
I write your name in my Soul
As I search your words
I cast my Destiny on to you
Deadly whisper in my ear
Finally me now, my time has come
From the Depth of MemoriesThey never told me right.
I had to stay in the yellow light.
Decide the end of the world,
Have health at your collapse.
Fight for nightly, empty forms
Of that landscape.
And then, the sun showed up
Good Evening Mr. QMy body, oh if I could choose,
I would to ashes it reduce
Let's hope the fading flower, then,
Would come to life and bloom again.
This is my last and final will,
Good luck to all of you, Joe Hill
My will is easy to decide,
Grevinnens Bonndoom metal
Morket siger sakte inn
Finner veier I mitt sultne sinn
Legger seg verdig til ro
I sar som aldri vil gro
I sitt morke Sjelen hviler
Harvest The cat sharpens its claws
And runs into the cornfields
Children playing hide and seek
A frail figure dressed in a cape
Wandering with measured steps
Haunted by derisive words
They want to capture the ogress
Myriad of Peep-holesThe nimbus of the moon
Resting on a pitch - dark sky
Pierced by a needle
A myriad of peep - holes
The moist earth against my ear
Hear the moles industrious search for a lair
Who throws the serpents swimming in the air
Neurosis I stand above myself
Left to a crumbling reality.
I watch the panorama, views.
So fright and hide and hide, this evil force
Leads me to the other mind.
New rose, new rose.
Rise, manic depths of depressors.
Oceana Oceana carry with her
all the lost dreams
As a treasure
hidden underneath her wings
Oceana in my Heart
I went away
Salva MeСпаси меня
Я чувствую Угрызение Совести,
Покрывающее мой разум, - забери это.
Мой любимый облик поизносился.
Излечи меня, Freya
твоей животворной силой.
Спаси Меня.
Свет Луны, дающий мне Силу,
ОТ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА: Слов нет. Но слова есть. Сомнения оставлены позади, как и та невидимая черта. Стон и только стон от колющей скорби. Можно приземлиться на землю и сказать просто: "Она зарезала себя ножом." (Вспомним Silently I surrender - "Forces slowly turn the knife". Сравнительные образы переходят в реальную жизнь). Причем по моим представлениям, картина такая: Она медленно подняла кинжал на уровень глаз. В свете лучей солнца она увидела его (кинжала) ослепительный, завораживающий блеск, и закрыв глаза резко втыкает себе в сердце...
В конце этой музыки слышны удары останавливающегося сердца.
Silently I Surrender Escape the carven paths
Listen to the voices in your head
Hear them whisper
in their ancient tounges
Let them lead you
out of Darkness
Into the newborn Daylight
Simple MindWise little man...
This gap within your mouth,
A love I bear throught mist.
A lonely, endless street:
Don't walk with whining daisies.
A mighty wind goes within me, calm and soothing.
SleepThe day vanishes
Withers like trodden grass
Our whispers are wafting along by the breeze
Through an open passage
Absorbed by the night
Conjure up the sleep
Sleep, sleep stealing through us
SorrowI had a dream in earlier days
loved by the one my Heart desired
Then it all started to fade away
Our love, once so strong,
flowed through our hands
Human so helpless, what could we do
I could but watching him walk out of my life
SpiderYes, I am insane,
But not really bound.
Yesterday I screamed all day
But not too loud.
I want to dream you one more night.
I want my fear to get wise.
One for good and one for all,
StreamI long for you
As a flower for the morning dew
I long for you
As a hind longs for the running streams
Frown on me no more
And let me smile again
Before I go away
The CityI am an effort mirror.
I’m up to this contempt exceedance
Of a metropolis,
Obviously modern,
Because every known taste
Has been avoided in the furniture
And in the outsides of the houses,
As well as in the layout of the city, of the city.
Thin Dark LineThe slowest movement.
I dream in my shame.
Is it the sound of mighty winds I hear?
The slowest movement.
I dream in my shame.
Is it the sound of mighty winds I hear?
I'll let you see the perfect thing.
Trial Of PastОсознание ошибок прошлого (Trial of Past)
ОТ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА: Уф долго я переводил это название. В этой фразе заложено столько, что хоть книгу пиши. Даже представить сложно чего мне стоило втиснуть все в одну фразу! И все равно, хочется перевести как-то иначе...
Здесь чувствуется следующее: Шаг сделан. На лицо самоубийство (не важно в какой форме - физическое насилие над собой или душевное самоистязание). Врата закрылись... И тут наваливается вся прошлая жизнь. И вдруг вспоминаются ошибки. Непростительные ошибки! И среди них последняя. И ты осознаешь что наступает расплата. Нет, не физическое наказание, а страшнее - наказание души! И выхода нет...
Veiled ExposureI want to inhale you like fresh air
But slowly you spin a cocoon and disappear
Let me open your seals and enter your garden
Let me seek to find your well
Then I'll sit down by the source
And wait for the deep secrets to reveal
I change with you
Why So LonelyWhy so lonely
Here you may rest
Lay your head down at my chest
Darkened days brighten
No more to frighten
Will you be mine
Until the end of time