Bearded JackyBearded Jacky was the captain and had plundered lots of ships
But now he sits in the tavern covered with some dirty shit
He was heading bloody pirates who were brutal crazy crew
Now to drink beer in a pub’s the only thing that he can do
We tell you the sad story of poor Captain Jack
He had the time of glory, they won’t ever come back
Drunken CannoneerOnce we got into the storm, danced on the Devil’s horn
And the great infernal blaze ripped the depth of ocean waves
We were under threatening cloud, scared by the spooky sound
But before we cried or fell popped up the Ship from Hell!
Ship was steered by undeads, board was hung with talking heads
Snakes were crawling on the mast, imp had fun in raven’s nest
They prepared for a fight, turned the board to our side
Spanish LadiesFarewell and adieu to you, Spanish Ladies
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain;
For we've received orders for to sail for old England, (or '...under orders...')
But we hope in a short time to see you again. (or 'And we may never see you fair ladies again')
We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors
We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt seas. (or 'We'll range and we'll roam...')
The Fish of my DreamIf you are urban fools and never swam in pools
And never fished in rivers and don’t have fishing tools
You cannot feel his joy that children feel for toys
The fish of his dreams, the best of all it seems
It swims in the streams and hides in the reeds
It’s not a common fish, it’s better than you wish
It’s stronger than Chuck Norrise, brave-hearted one and glorious
The Giant SquidOnce in the Atlantic Ocean we were sailing through the fog
That damn day we celebrated fight against the British dogs
We’d just opened sixtieth barrel, flatty Paddy fell to sleep
From the ocean waves came up the Giant Squid!
He was furious as devil, he was horror of the ships
He was fucking devastating and enormous ocean beast
Monster looked at our frigate, Monster stoped to smoke his pipe
The Whore behind the BarI was waiting for you all the night
Put drinks and dishes on the table
T’was so romantic from my side
To turn off light and bring the candles
I was so glad when you came in
Not knowing of my further doom
We had nice supper and I thought
“It’s time to go to my bedroom”