Nikita Zhelnov все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Believe In YourselfThings get rough Take the btter with the sweet
All we need is the Power of self-belief
Life is a constant trial
It will test our heart and will
We shouldn't be in denial
Just belive that it is good
To be here
Time To Be YourselfSilent time no sounds I can hear around
Starless night no fires lite obsearen sky
Saithless life no hour keeps a hope within
Sentenced I No path Leeds away from here
It's time to be yourself to build your sell
And nowone doubt your righ to be yourself and being save
VelvetЛишь черный бархат, на котором
Забыт сияющий алмаз
Сумею я сравнить со взором
Её почти поющих глаз
Её фарфоровое тело
Томит неясной белизной
Как лепесток сирени белой