Blood On The BladeSign of your fate in the night
As reflect of madness
Evil and hate real rule in your world
Blood on the blade be your light
In eternal sadness
Life - endless fight in the ocean of cold
Darkness in your fate
Creeping In The MistLife is long and you a strong
My angel I'm fear you
Dreams is lost my evil ghost
I know you but not hear you.
I know your fears I'm your danger
Your pain reflected my light
I'm your indifferent angel
Force And BraveHot wind and rustle of sand
Flame of pain in exhausted eyes.
Sign of death on the way of damned
Bloody clouds before sunrise.
Love and life dissolve in hate
Dreams turn in the wish to kill
Death for freedom –gift of fate
Rage of battle– triumph of steel
I Don't BelieveYou disappear from dream
I m not forget your face
And i'm hear your scream
Another dream
And empty world on space
Im not believe you saying
And pain penitrate in brain
In sky
If You TryDarkness of my fate
Horror for all living,
Gladness turn in hate
Pain of unforgiving,
Day bay day
Evil bloody might
Kill your destination
You can see my flight
Last Way To NowhereThe slow wind as breath of death
Forgotten dreams and silent pain
Don't cry on me, I leave for you
Pale light of moon and tears of rain
My last way in nowhere
I know this and go away
May be somewhere
I again see light of day
My Naked IdealBlowing to my window
About who breaking my angel
The knife on glass, the creeps on skin
Suffer the last, no more call
I believe he lives
My naked ideal
So it's smile of my angel
PipePipe, pipe, play me death
I shall crying I'll be dear
Lungs, lungs, which already roots
Where the ground, kissing the gound
Bell... of entangled sinew
Crying over sea screaming in crowd
The plenty seasons, the wasted seasons
RavenYou give the moon their icy light
Ancient stone of forgotten graves
Nothing not his eternal rest
Not wind not cry of tombed birds
Only raven is old as our world
On the black and destroying cross
Sometimes remember his glorious fest
When see the heap of rotten bones
Slave Of Bloody RainYou not hear my ghostly flight.
Fear, and I’m the darkness of your night.
My real, I’m reject the light.
I’m feel my pain again
Pain, as claws of beast destroy my brain
I’m slave of bloody reign
I hate, I hate the foolish light
Way Of BlindThe misty sky as silent pain
Reflection light of dying sun
And ghostly flight in the noise of rain
I die again as every one
Fire in my soul is die away
And fury wind destroy my mind
When sun is pale and sky is gray
When all my life is way of blind