Dragon, DragoneMy name is Goran Dragić.
And I'm point guard for Phoenix Suns.
I mean Miami Heat ;)
I was born and raised in capital of Slovenia,
try to pronounce it - it's called [lyoo-BLYAH-nah]!
Slovenian language I think so it's very hard,
I think so you can only learn it if you are smart.
Pot v xV sobani poet sedi
V upanju, da prave rime dobi
Za vsak trenutek, ki ga je doživel
V življenju na svetu zanj polnemu gorja in milosti
Morda je prav tudi to
Temu naj sodi le zdravo telo
Vem pa da vse temelji le na tem
Put-in, Put-outPutin, Putout
Harasho, harasho,
I run this freakin’ show!
You think I can't speak English?
There’s nothing I don’t know.
I know that World War III , nobody wants to see,
so please EU and USA don’t mothersuckers mess with me.
Putin, PutoutPutin, Putout
Harasho, harasho,
I run this freakin’ sho!
You think I can't speak English?
There’s nothing I don’t kno.
I kno that World War Three, nobody wants to see,
so please EU and USA don’t mothersuckers mess with me.
Ruf mich AngelaIf I would catch a goldfish,
I would wish just one wish.
I want to turn back time to better prepare,
for all the people coming from everywhere.
Now people are talking bad about me (me),
but I’m the one willing to serve everybody (everybody).
Come taste my plum cake and drink my smoothie! (smoothie!)