Behold Judas - I,MonarchAs I stand before thee, Master of the arcane,
Lest we forget your burden father,
From beneath the binding of the irreverent one who is shroud in darkness
Revealed! Heathen to all that is sacred!
Behold Judas, Betrayer,
Behold Judas, Behold.
Curse thy prophet, abhor thy martyr
Bringer of StormsAve! I am the bringer of storms
Charge! Legions of the dead
Ave! I am the bringer of scorn
Charge! Order of the abyss
Avenge me now
With forces of a thousand dead
O mighty winds of death
I, MonarchIn this being, in flesh
There can be no absolution
Therefore i must shed my skin
In a world, so fabled, so false
I, Monarch
Master of what shall be
I, Monarch
I, Monarch
Powers That BeIs it a theory of pure scepticism
Belief of the end of a civilization
The never ending mystery of their demise
Millions of lives that cease to exist
Powers that be
Claimed the lives of a ruling dynasty
Powers that be
Sacrilege Of HateMY RAGE
The Eternal RulerBorn out of exile
Must I save thee from abolishment
Hence utter chaos must ensue
Nominated Czar
Must I revive what hath dormant lies
Hence your empire now shall fall
The Fire Of ResurrectionMay thy flame burn strong
May thy flame scorch the skies
I am the winds that blow
Earth shattering waves that ever flow
I am the sun that sets
Upon the vast horizon
The Obscure TerrorWe are the obscure terror
We are your enemies, sworn to secrecy
Mentors of all that is profane
We are betrayers, devoid of your worth
We thrive in all that is stained
We poison all that is pure
We endanger all that be
The Victorious ReignThe victorious reign
We are the glorious order,
Bound together by blood and by faith.
Successors to a tradition,
Are we the vessels of death?
Sworn to this alliance,
Thorns Of AcaciaCarved out of human flesh
It shall be written with our tainted blood
The gospel of elite reform
Onward to the realm of immortality
The passage from this mortal coil
In death salvation exists
Zealot, Crusader of WarIn the face of annihilation
We must rise
And defeat all enemies
For thou shalt not falter upon fear
As to create,
So we must destroy
May I die honorably upon a glorious death