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  • Текст песни FOTHERINGAY - Bold Jack Donahue

    Исполнитель: FOTHERINGAY
    Название песни: Bold Jack Donahue
    Дата добавления: 05.03.2019 | 12:30:03
    Просмотров: 5
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    Здесь расположен текст песни FOTHERINGAY - Bold Jack Donahue, перевод и видео.
    Come all you gallant bushrangers who gallop on the plains,
    Refuse to live in slavery, or wear the convict chains.
    Oh, attention pay to what I say, and value it if you do,
    For I will relate the matchless tale of Bold Jack Donahue.

    Now Donahue was taken all for a notorious crime
    And sentenced to be hanged upon the gallows tree so high.
    But when they took him to Bathurst Gaol, he left them in a stew,
    For when they came to call the roll, they missed Jack Donahue.

    Now when Donahue made his escape, to the bush he went straight way.
    The squatters they were all afraid to travel by night and by day
    And every day in the newspapers, they brought out something new,
    Concerning that bold bushranger that they called Jack Donahue.

    One day as he was riding the mountainside alone,
    A-listening to the cockaburra as happy laughing scorn,
    When all he spied the horse police well on came up into view
    And in double quick time they did advance to take Jack Donahue.

    “Oh Donahue, oh Donahue, throw down your carabines.
    Or do you intend to fight us all and will you not resign?”
    “To surrender to such cowardly dogs is a thing that I never would do,
    For this day I'll fight with all of me might”, cried Bold Jack Donahue.

    Well, the sergeant and the corporal, their men they did divide,
    Some fired at him from behind and some from every side.
    Oh, the sergeant and the corporal, they both fired at him too
    And a rifle bullet pierced the heart of Bold Jack Donahue.

    Well, nine rounds he fired and nine men down before that fatal ball
    Which pierced his heart and made him smart and caused him for to fall.
    And as he closed his mournful eyes, why he bid the world adieu,
    Saying, “Convicts all, pray for the soul of Bold Jack Donahue.”

    А сам он был разбойником, грозой больших дорог.
    Свободу он любил всю жизнь, тюрьму терпеть не мог.
    Был урожденный Донахью, именовался Джек,
    И был он очень храбрый и добрый человек.

    И этот самый Донахью, как вы понять могли,
    Был выслан из Ирландии, родной своей земли.
    Навек простился с Дублином, где жизнь провел свою,
    Где был он прозван храбрецом и Джеком Донахью.

    И стал он жить в Австралии, на берегу чужом,
    Снял кандалы и занялся, как прежде, грабежом.
    Уолмсли, Уэббер, Андервуд и Макнамара с ним —
    Вот кто пошел за Донахью, за парнем удалым.

    Однажды Джек с ребятами шли в полдень по делам,
    Не зная, что за ними смерть крадется по пятам.
    Но полисмены конные, которых было пять,
    Внезапно их увидели и стали догонять.

    — Ни с места, трусы подлые! —вскричал Джек Донахью,
    — Их только трое против нас, мы выстоим в бою.
    Я лучше, словно кенгуру, жизнь проведу в степях,
    Чем стану на правительство работать в кандалах.

    Но Уолмсли, жалкий трус, сказал: — Я не согласен, нет.
    Не три, а больше всадников за нами мчатся вслед.
    Бежим скорей, не то, ей-ей, нам всем придет конец!
    — Прочь от меня!! —сказал в сердцах Джек Донахью, храбрец.

    Сержант достал свой револьвер и громко крикнул:
    — Стой! Сдавайтесь, или сразу же мы начинаем бой.
    — Нет, никогда! — воскликнул Джек,— не сдамся я врагу,
    Я в трудный час сильней в сто раз, и я не побегу.

    Тогда сержант своих людей расставил по местам,
    Поставил одного вперед, и по два — по бокам.
    Сначала выстрелил сержант, а вслед за ним капрал,
    И, ранен пулей роковой, Джек Донахью упал.

    Шесть раз его полиция ловила, но потом
    Попался он и был сражен безжалостным свинцом.
    И, медленно закрыв глаза, сказал он всем: — Адью,
    Молитесь, люди добрые, за Джека Донахью.

    О'Хара, Фрэнси, Бреннан, Грант и даже Робин Гуд
    С бесстрашным Джеком Донахью в сравненье не идут.
    Зато теперь на небе он средь ангелов в раю,
    Так будь же милостив Господь к страдальцу Донахью!
    Come all you gallant bushrangers who gallop on the plains,
    Refuse to live in slavery, or wear the convict chains.
    I love you,
    For I will relate the matchless tale of Bold Jack Donahue.

    Now donahue crime crime
    And sentenced to be hanged upon the gallows tree so high.
    But when they took him to Bathurst Gaol, he left them in a stew,
    For when they came, they missed Jack Donahue.

    He went straight way.
    The squatters
    And every day in the newspapers, they brought out something new,
    Concerning that bold bushranger that jack called donahue.

    He was riding the mountainside alone
    A-listening to the cockaburra as happy laughing scorn,
    When he spied it up
    And in double quick Jack Donahue.

    “Oh Donahue, oh Donahue, throw down your carabines.
    Or do you intend to fight us?
    “To surrender to such cowardly dogs is a thing that I never would do,
    For this day I'll fight with all of me might ”, cried Bold Jack Donahue.

    Well, the sergeant and the corporal,
    Some fired ones.
    Oh, the sergeant and the corporal, they both fired at him too
    And a rifle bullet pierced the heart of Bold Jack Donahue.

    Well, nine rounds and nine men down before that fatal ball
    For him to to fall.
    He adore it,
    Saying, “Convicts all, pray for the soul of Bold Jack Donahue.”

    And he himself was a robber, a thunderstorm of large roads.
    Freedom he loved all his life, he could not stand prison.
    Was born Donahue, was called Jack,
    And he was a very brave and kind man.

    And this same Donahue, as you could understand,
    He was expelled from Ireland, his native land.
    Forever said goodbye to Dublin, where life spent its,
    Where he was nicknamed by the brave and Jack Donahoe.

    And he began to live in Australia, on a foreign coast,
    He took off the shackles and engaged, as before, in robbery.
    Walmsley, Webber, Underwood and McNamara with him -
    That's who went for Donahue, for the boy was removed.

    One day Jack and the boys went at noon on business
    Not knowing that death is sneaking up behind them.
    But horsemen policemen, of whom there were five,
    Suddenly they were seen and began to catch up.

    - No place, cowardly cowards! Cried Jack Donahue
    - There are only three of them against us, we will stand in battle.
    I would rather live like a kangaroo in the steppes,
    What will become the government to work in shackles.

    But Walmsley, a miserable coward, said: “I disagree, no.”
    Not three, but more horsemen follow us.
    Come quickly, not that, she, she, we all will end!
    - Get away from me !! - said in the hearts of Jack Donahue, brave.

    The sergeant took out his revolver and shouted loudly:
    - Stop! Give up, or immediately we start the fight.
    - No never! - Jack exclaimed, - I will not surrender to the enemy
    I am at a difficult hour stronger a hundred times, and I will not run.

    Then the sergeant put his men in their places,
    Put one forward, and two on each side.
    First a sergeant shot, and after him a corporal
    And, wounded by a fatal bullet, Jack Donahue fell.

    Six times the police caught him, but then
    He got caught and was struck down with merciless lead.
    And slowly closing his eyes, he said to everyone: - Adyu,
    Pray, good people, for Jack Donahoe.

    O'Hara, Francie, Brennan, Grant and even Robin Hood
    With the fearless Jack Donahue in comparison do not go.
    But now in heaven he is among the angels in paradise,
    So be merciful to the sufferer Donahue!


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