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Ansuz AstralANSUZ, ANSUZ!
- Skipet la frå kai
Aldri vil ho vende att;
ho er trygg i stjernenatt
- Reisa har vërt lang
Han som søv kjem draumen til;
Api-VatYou lie there sleeping
Growing in my mind
A voice from eternity
Awaken now and guide me
Awaken now and guide me
Awaken now and guide me
AscensionStaring across the void, seeing eye to eye in folded space
I see you with the colours and frenzy of the sacred rooms
We've met in those dreams, ice blue water ran towards the green sky
The gods spoke to us in their infancy
Suns waiting for us to smittem them with the flames of our disease
And we did so laughing, giving birth to sunrises in our wake
Never in need of sleep, nor in need of truth
Axioma"Mind not the worshippers of punishment,
Un-growers and resisters"
Close your eyes, sense the below
Torment and separation points ahead
Set ablaze like steel through skin
"Fear not the settlement with those who fear the truth"
Behind The Mirrorn every hallway there’s a hidden door
You will it into existence - you think it open
Inside Silence rules supreme
Within the laws of absolute Darkness
Two stars - too far for travel
Now; her eyes - a home for all beauty and grace
The open sea - the seafarer’s lonely tomb
Now; her soul – a haven for the believer
Caravans To The Outer WorldsBlinded by greed
Imprisoned by the distance
Thralls to the idol-self
Scream in fear of the end
Gifted sight
Rejected chains
Freedom gained
Endless spin of the wheel
CenterFeel nothing
Oxen and primate as one
Pushing what already strives
(There is) no space
(There is) no peace
Let go of the whip
We've reached the outer limits of this orchestrated vision
CloudsIn the void of chaos life endures
In the gap of creation, the ancient wisdom breathes
Inheritance of fire
Inheritance of frost
Yet it lay there weeping
Afraid to see the light
Convoys To NothingnessFaces - eyes - noise
Floating patterns of no coherency, none needed
From behind the chapel of dreams came imagery
From another world
The left for a brighter star
A new home called "now"
Death in the Eyes of DawnThe creation I can't remember
Unsecure I roam in fear
The final steps I've taken
What waits beyond this void?
"I sucked out your lifeblood
Tore down your fortress
Burned down the woods
Det Endelege RiketDet endelege blå
Fremand og løfterikt
I det urgamle raude
Sviv det som ein gong
Kvitt var svart
I sirklar går rika
Frå anna til eit går me
Eit Auga Til MimirUtgards mørke, langt der ute
Eg kjem ikkje inn, eit offer du krev?
Eit offfer eg krev, ingen lovnad eg gjen
Eg kan gje deg styrke, eg kan gje deg dauden
De seier du kan ta meg av dage.
Du seier du kan ta meg av dage.
Men utan meg er heller ikkje du
Skapar av svakhet, meg kan du ikkje truga.
Føydd i flammar i tida før tid
I muspellheimens gneistrande famn
Føydd til sjelas djupaste mørke
Før Audhumla urmor vakna
Når augo lyser av eit hat
Enemy IIt was here I was born
While the stars held their breaths
After ages of pseudo-presence
I climbed the final steps
Up from deep beneath the shores
Eieth no longer sleeping gal
EntroperLong have I suffered
Long have I been forced
Blinded by their faith
Laughter resounds no more
I am the son of the ancient breed
I do not pity life
I follow not pathetic order
EssenceThe question is this
By will alone
Does my heart carry the strength
To see you burn?
When I do not wish to part
To see them farewell
Does my heart carry the strength
To leave you behind?
Ethica OdiniReckless men - So righteous, so clean
Towards the light - So bashful, so pure
Who told you to abandon life
Your strength, free will
And bow for the light?
The light! And turn from the spinning wheel
FenrisGlem alle lover, all orden og fred
Chaos er alt, ingen tid eller sted
Nå når alt lys og liv avslutte
Når vinden nå dreper
Lenkene har brutt...
Tiden er kommet
Som nornene forutså
Fires in the Darkór Ymis holdi
var jörð of sköpuð,
en ór sveita sær,
björg ór beinum,
baðmr ór hári,
en ór hausi himinnII
Inseparable walkers – through the dark
For Lenge SidenGerast mér nú hvítingjar þessir hvimbleiðir
að þeir sækja okkur heim ár hvert.
Þennann hikst ég drepa!
Lovsanger ble sunget
Den gang folket fremdeles var stolt,
I de svundne tider,
For lenge siden
GiantsNo distance, no time
Endless void, absence of life
Chaos dwells outside the womb
Seduce, Invoke
Embrace, Give birth
See through the flesh
See past the soul
GroundThe defining sound
Fangs into flesh
Panic and spit
Death unto life
Eyes wide
It sees itself through the layers of ice
GylfaginningHan vandret staut på gamle stier
Han vandret langs med høye åser
Han vandret inn mot Midgards hjerte
Han vandret til han så et fjell
Over en duggvåt bro han gikk
Gjennom Åsgårds gyldne port
Han så guders frodige haver
Havenless"Dei for ifra nord
Mot ei anna tid
Bak låg brende ord
Framfor dei ei ny strid
Dei såg såg stormar i det fjerne
Men haldt fram og beint
Inn mot jordas kjerne
HeimdallrHeimdallr heitir einn áss;
hann er kallaðr hviti áss;
hann er mikill ok heilagr;
tennr hans váru af gulli;
Hestr hans heitir Gulltopr
Hann býr þar er heitir
Himinbjörg við Bifröst
þarf hann minna svefn en fugl;
HeimvegenDet var stunder eg ikkje hugsa
Korleis det sag ut her inne
Stemmene mine snakka ikkje same sprak
Som bøkene er skrevne pa
Eg drøymde da framleis i fargar
Men brutne av ei anna sol
I meg rann og brann det
Heir to the Cosmic SeedBehold the great evening star
As she once again gives birth
Behold the great evening star
As she once again destroys
Behold the shining wife
Of all the howling winds
She arrives when you despair
Hollow InsideHollow inside - I didn't sleep too well last night
Step over, turn the light
Hollow inside - I didn't dream too much last night
Step over, turn the light
Knock on the door - these are the interfering themes
Open it up, too soon
IsaBeen standing here for ages
Watching the valleys blossom and burn
The pyres of yesterday smells of losing you
Preserved we are, portraits (in the glassy depths)
I picked up the shattered mirror, put them in water
Cold as my dreams
Isa: Still - Standing - Empowered
Isvders DronningPå balkongen skuer hun og lengter
Isøders Dronning
Alene og gråtende bærer hun sorgen
Isøders Dronning
I landet hvor dag er natt og natt er dag
Ruver et slott med vegger av is
Dekket av rimfrost
JettegrytaThe quiet forest
Before man came
A secret time (before time)
Giants’ steps thunder
Upon the mossy ground
Carving a hole
In ageless stone
JotunblodBunnløst svelg, Ginnungagap
endeløst mørke før Tiders Morgen
Kulderikets elleve elver frosne
frosttåke brer seg vidt utover
Gufset fra Nivlhel I Nord
fyller det mektige gap
Slikkende tunger av ild fra Sør
kokende, boblende eiter
The pieces fit
Your eyes can’t flux
Your heart can’t fly
Atoms hum
The order of all
The oldest of dreams
Kvasirs BlodKvasirs Blod
I gammel tid hersket det en krig
Mellom de hellige slekter, vaner og æser
Da freden kom, ble guddommene forent
Opp fra et kar med spytt steg Kvasir
"Vis blir den som drikker av mjøden,
Lifandi Liv Undir HamriPar sem fleiri stjórna
Frá óveðri, snjóklæddum
Sjáum við yfir land og þjóð
Við riðum á Miðgarðs brautum
þoka frá jörðinni fer i kringum
Að vestan getum við séð sjoinn, par
LighteningI crossed the borders
The pain won't go away
For this treason, I want to see them ... Burn!
Hunt them down
Make them understand
The power I possess
LokeLatter gjaller gjennom natten
Latter gjaller gjennom natten
Aftenstjernenlyser over Midgard
Ondskap sammenfiltrer i narket
det ordnede kosmos' fiende her frem
Loke, Fåbautes sønn, Logners far
Født av jard, ubundet av lover
NeogenesisNavigation by the fires of dead worlds
Towards the shores of Neogenesis
Navigation by the fires of dead worlds
Towards the shores of Neogenesis
Distant self now cut through, approaching infinitely
Racing hearts throbbing deep beneath the painted bones
NidingaslaktDrums are pounding, the winds are howling
With spear and bow we go into battle
We are making a stand, brothers in blood
With hope for honour in the name of madness
We will never be defeated, even if we fall
We are not going to Folkvang,
Into the arms of the Vanir Queen,
Night SightI can see through the veil
Seeing all I need to
Nothing is hidden here
Deep into the woods
Casting letters that speak of all
Is all, is naught
One Thousand Years of RainThe age of the wolf is the age of the sword
Son of the earth, father of despair, lurking
And ever searching to end his thirst
Strength reborn in the streams of cold blood
Son of the earth, father of rage, hiding beneath
And ever smiling when the seed is planted
Hate paving the streets of gold
OrmgardEin jotne skrik i lengsel
Aesar druknar i banesår
I sterke armar veks
Gangar full av råte
Fjella let seg ikkje
Lenger løfte
Berre trellen eig
Path To Vanir. Path To Vanir
Awaiting my death, gasping for air
The relief emerge, the mistress so fair
Don't abandon me, please grant me life
I embrace your powers, higher wisdom's wife
Queen Of NightAcross the scorched fields of fathers land
In each step an abyss is built
Through misty dreams he touched her hand
The boar is dead
Its blood is spilt
He set his foot on the slopes of far away
RaidhoThis journey without movement
Heading out for no-man's land
The way ahead my only ally
Early hours, in the silence
This credence keeps me upright
Through the storms and disasters
A straight line towards the unknown end
ReflectionClinging to life in the reflection of the self
Breathing the air from the poisoned pit
Hovering through flames from the burning core
Searching for reason in the ashes of men
Obeying the laws of the kings without lands
Bowing in awe at the hypocrite's feet
Not hearing the cry of the infant
Return To YggrasillA new sound heard throughout the land
From which the spirits had left ages ago
Sacrifice and honour replaced by betrayal and usurpers
A trail of sweat and blood, a gathering to the pagan
outer worlds
For ages we have wandered
Under the wings of deception
Ridicule SwarmPallid it hangs
In awe of amusement
Litany swarm
Bleak I say are the crutches of the assembly
And flies cling to it
More so ever the fingers to animate
Insubordinate, fickle exequies
RuunHave you ever seen beyond the reach?
Have you ever felt the change?
Visions from an altered state
They conceal and relevate
Communing once again with Gods
Thread unto the impossible path
Talking with a different tongue
SequenceGenome of the secret being
Residing in the shadow-half
Hidden words of creation
Sought out by the light-bearer
Eternal whispers
Drops from the gap
An open hand into the ether
SingularBorn into oblivion
Without the fear of existing all alone
Later comes the acquisition - forced upon
The solitude
Now loneliness
The god now submerged in a game of guilt
Storre Enn Tid - Tyngre Enn NattHanen fall om på tunet
Før han rakk gala
-Men eg kjende tida
Hesten hang i slitte taumar
Med utakk piska inn i augo
-Men eg makta å trekke plogen
Svarte VidderRavnane flyr, den Enøyde ser
Inn I tåkeheimen, skygger kastes
Minner fra det Førse Riket,
beskjoldet med gull
Runer risset inn, risset inn av hat
Den Enøydes horder rir igjen
Hammer knuser kors
Inverseres av den ubundne
The BeaconTo war !
Let the havoc be revenged
March !
Against the lords of perdition
Live !
Breathe !
The Cromlech Gate[The fool:]
"Fear not dear kinsmen, cause you
Saviour I am. I'll bring back our glory
And wisdom Achieve I'm searching the
Old path to bring back the elder"
Smug as only the fool can be, mindless
Blindly. He marches towards his fate
The CrossingI no longer struggle
No longer see
Nothing remains, burning anxiety
Darkness came forth
Gave birth to me
Certain death is all I see
I see you weep
The Dead StareThe Juggler stares
To quench the thirst
Upon the brow
Within the hand
It cracks and seeps
The seer weeps
In flickering light
The Eternal SeaWe carry memories
Of mass disembarkment
From Spirit-ships
Thoughts of the past
The Fall of The Explorer
The Tears of the Seamen
We dream of what is coming
Fading shapes will be rewritten
The VoicesI hear their poisonous words again
As they call out for submission and code
"To be less than one and drown equals pride" they say
These were the voices that destroyed us
Did I want for this loss to be sustained?
Through the clipping of wings found the secret paths
The WatcherDarkness...
Left alone with no will
Walking in footsteps of the fallen
Blinded by lack of reason
Thoughts Like HammersCelestial buried mind resting
Resting without peace still
Don't know where I drowned
Cornered and defeated
Yes, there's a thought forming
Patterns in the currents
Mud-dwellers at the star-floor
Tides Of ChaosI've got this twisted core
I've got this noose around my neck
That (just) won't let go
I've got this dream
In Which I kill you all
And there is no going back
They've choked the good in me
Sent me off to wander alone
Violet DawningI am a part of the darkness
Used to watch from afar
Sensing the violence of morning
And breathing. And waiting for nothing
Devouring the spirit, grinding the heart
There are good things in the burning fields
There's peace in the slaughtered flesh
There's life in the frozen seeds
WotanNakent, øde landskap
Veldige sletter fører til havet i Vest
En nordlig vind feier over døde skrotter
En fremmed har trædt inn på
Vikingenes Enemerker
Dø ei på sotteseng, feige niding!
Trekk sverd, kjemp med Krigers Gud;
Eg veit at eg hekk
På vindalt tre
Netter heile nie
Med geir-odd sàra
Og gjeven Odin
Gjeven sjølv til meg sjølv