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  • Текст песни Electric Century - I Lied

    Исполнитель: Electric Century
    Название песни: I Lied
    Дата добавления: 29.06.2014 | 10:10:34
    Просмотров: 46
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Electric Century - I Lied, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Everything that’s weak goes,
    Through the window,
    I gently fill my veins,
    I’m watching all the doors close,
    The stars are aligned for me, tonight.
    Something drives my brain,
    When I close my eyes,
    It goes, away.
    I can’t remember,
    Life, without the pain,
    Without my arms,
    Around you again,
    I can’t remember,
    Dreamed, when I was young,
    They do not haunt,
    They still don’t come.(Х2)

    You swore you gave it everything you’ve got,
    You sit and watch me glide,
    Through all the nights that come,
    And the darkness that is life,
    Just wait here I was told,
    With all the ghosts of everyone that tried to float.

    I can’t remember,
    Life, without the pain,
    Without my arms,
    Around you again,
    I can’t remember,
    Dreamed, when I was young,
    They do not haunt,
    They still don’t come.
    You swore you gave it everything you’ve got,
    You sit and watch me glide,
    Through all the nights that come,
    And the darkness that is life.
    Все плохое вылетает в окно,
    Я нежно наполняю свои вены и
    Смотрю, как все двери закрываются.
    Все звезды выстроились в ряд, сегодня, для меня.
    Что-то управляет моим мозгом,
    Когда я закрываю глаза, все это проходит.
    Я не помню жизни без боли,
    Без моих рук, которые вновь обнимают тебя,
    Я не помню, о чем мечтал, когда был молодым.
    Эти детские мечты не преследуют меня, их просто все еще нет. (Х2)

    Ты клялась, что отдала мне все, что могла.
    Ты сидела и смотрела, как я соскальзывал
    В темноту, которая называется жизнью.
    Мне сказали: “Просто жди здесь”
    Вместе с призраками тех, кто пытался не упасть.

    Я не помню жизни без боли,
    Без моих рук, которые вновь обнимают тебя,
    Я не помню, о чем мечтал, когда был молодым.
    Эти детские мечты не преследуют меня, их просто все еще нет.

    Ты клялась, что отдала мне все, что могла.
    Ты сидела и смотрела, как я соскальзывал
    В грядущие ночи и в темноту,
    Которую называют жизнью.
    Everything that's weak goes,
    Through the window,
    I gently fill my veins,
    I'm watching all the doors close,
    The stars are aligned for me, tonight.
    Something drives my brain,
    When I close my eyes,
    It goes, away.
    I can't remember,
    Life, without the pain,
    Without my arms,
    Around you again,
    I can't remember,
    Dreamed, when I was young,
    They do not haunt,
    They still don't come. ( X2)

    You swore you gave it everything you've got,
    You sit and watch me glide,
    Through all the nights that come,
    And the darkness that is life,
    Just wait here I was told,
    With all the ghosts of everyone that tried to float.

    I can't remember,
    Life, without the pain,
    Without my arms,
    Around you again,
    I can't remember,
    Dreamed, when I was young,
    They do not haunt,
    They still don't come.
    You swore you gave it everything you've got,
    You sit and watch me glide,
    Through all the nights that come,
    And the darkness that is life.
    All the bad flies out the window ,
    I gently fill your veins and
    Look like all the doors are closed .
    All the stars lined up today for me.
    Something controls my brain
    When I close my eyes , it all goes away.
    I do not remember life without pain,
    Without my hands, which once again embrace you,
    I do not remember what I dreamed about when I was young .
    These childhood dreams do not haunt me , they all just yet. (X2 )

    You swore that gave me everything I could .
    You sat and watched as I slipped
    In the darkness that is called life .
    I said, " Just wait here"
    Together with the ghosts of those who tried not to fall.

    I do not remember life without pain,
    Without my hands, which once again embrace you,
    I do not remember what I dreamed about when I was young .
    These childhood dreams do not haunt me , they all just yet.

    You swore that gave me everything I could .
    You sat and watched as I slipped
    In the coming night and the darkness ,
    Which is called life.


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