Eivor все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Falling Freeyour eyes tell me stories that I can understand
I have seen the future written in your hand
now I surrender
I am falling down
hoping you will catch me before I hit the ground
you are all I see
Into The MistWaking in the mist,
no one knows where i've been.
Far from my home now,
going in circles round and round
I'm on my own now.
Something's hiding in the dark
lurking in between the rocks,
TrollabundinTrøllabundin eri eg eri eg
Galdramaður festi meg festi meg
Trøllabundin djúpt í míni sál í míni sál
Í hjartanum logar brennandi bál brennandi bál
Trøllabundin eri eg eri eg
Galdramaður festi meg festi meg
Trøllabundin inn í hjartarót í hjartarót
Undo Your MindIn the water, crystal clear
On the earth and in the air
In the shadow, in the light
In the day, and in the night
Filled with fear, filled with faith
The one who’s true, the one who betrays
Will you surrender, before it’s too late