Edu Falaschi все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
AlmahCells of a chemical trance
Flow by the endless river ways
Bringing seeds of time
Memories of cold winter days
Sleep through the screams of wind of change
Erasing bleeding scars
New ways
BreatheLife has always been there
You can try to hide but it's everywhere
The color of roses the shine of sunrise
The strengh of the waves
The tears in your eyes
The rage of the storm the smile of a child
The river that flows the birds in the sky
Pegasus FantasyFaça elevar
O cosmo no seu coração
Todo o mal combater
Despertar o poder
Sua constelação
Sempre irá te proteger
Supera a dor e dá forças pra lutar