Dishonored Outsider-Чужой все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
ДаудHere you are at last, in a ruined and drowning world, held captive by the man who killed your Empress, the assassin Daud. Your friends poisoned you and dumped your body in the river. Did they do it to protect themselves, so no one would ever know what they'd done? Or was it because they were a single move away from controlling an empire, and they knew you'd never let them manipulate Emily? Maybe none of these. Perhaps that's just the nature of man.
Дауд живYou find your way into such interesting places, Corvo. [At the eye of the storm raging between Granny Rags and this man who has lived his whole life with a cleaver in one hand and a bottle in the other] Crawling out of those flooded ruins, winding your way back to the pub where you last saw Emily? Where is she now? How does it feel now, knowing your allies betrayed you? Strange how there's always a little more innocence left to lose.
And Daud - the man who killed the Empress. You had him in the palm of your hand, and you let him walk away? You fascinate me