BlanketsI want to lose more of myself
Disinherit a nature, the root of everything I've ever felt
But I've never been adept at shedding attachments
Scared I'll disembody voidness and I'll find there's nothing left for me to be
Found God in my thoughts
There's no getting past this loss
Counting DaysLately I've been tired in too many ways, so tired of doing nothing only counting days. I know pretty soon we'll all have to part, we can watch our good ideas just slowly fade into the dark.
We said that we were going to build something great, but how are we supposed to when I'm always two years late? But maybe we'll find a way, and maybe I'll forget, or I'll never see a day where I don't feel regret.
I guess I never thought I'd leave, and I never thought I'd see, a family torn apart, all because of me.
But you said that's my time to waste, and now I've sealed our fate.
And it's funny how, the best decisions we make, become mistakes we hate.
Everything In-BetweenI wanna wake up, and not feel tired, do more than spectate, take part as events transpire as it stands now, I see nothing I want from life.
It's getting harder to warrant even leaving my head most nights
It's just so cold and it's so wet, why bother trying and failing when everyone just forgets?
I need something to grant me direction, give me back all my passions and end all of this stifling introspection
Allow me feelings besides remorse, recall the dreams I once cared for and show me I can still get back on course
FlowersShe said
"Don't leave me in drought, but don't oversaturate the ground or you'll leave me wilted like you are right now"
I just want to know what to do
I just want to see you bloom
Not fall asleep inside your room
Growing PainsWell I've been thinking a lot about the last year, while you were gone.
And maybe you should start beating yourself up for all the things, for all the things you swear are not your fault and I, I should hate this, I swear I hate this.
But something, has got a hold of my heart. And something is eating me apart.
And maybe I should try, the last thing I enjoyed, those 4 months I was high and you would stay away from me, but now you've got your hands on someone else. I shouldn't do this to myself.
But something, has got a hold of my heart. And something is eating me apart.
I No Longer AmI'm still
I've stopped waiting
I'm probably too still, a consequence of silence I'm creating
Let my thoughts consume my mind, my own body betrayed me, it took the hope from my life
Now I'm afraid to face most things
I'm not sure what I want, is it tomb stones or wedding rings?
MemoI spend too much time with my thoughts
I spend too much time alone
I lost sight of what matters, trapped myself out here in this abandoned home
Let me retreat from the boundaries I made in my mind
I'm sick of being stuck in bad dreams, they keep me confined
MonumentsI'd like to be something more than what you keep;
a tiny pause before you speak
The Compass to your dreams;
the one you keep close by at night when you go to sleep
We'd go climb up every tree
Believe in lakes but not in boundaries
Revel in the light because home means that we're alive
Nested, SinkingWhy do I always feel like I'll never be complete
I change and shift, can't shake this perspective
I'm still the same person underneath
I wanna take a more whimsical approach
But there's far too much I know and even more that I don't
Please Just KnowI wish I could make my words read like a book but they're hollow and they don't linger around the way they should
And I'd like to say something that means anything to anyone besides me
I want a way with words less like a plague or a curse
I want to say I have a gift
I want to see them reverberate, emancipate and make some spirits lift
Seal MountainI imagine this is how it feels to die, to want nothing more than to close your eyes.
But What's yearning without tossing and turning? And what's it feel like to realize a dream and not be haunted by its recurring?
I shouldn't ponder after things I'm not prepared for
I should maintain this low standard and just be careful
Things are bad enough as is, where the only problem is myself
But right now, I'm ready to collapse under the weight of someone else
WhiskeySeek escape, find a place where nobody knows your name
Be recluse, be alone, you can choose to lose your phone
But you'll still feel the same
You'll always feel the same
Because the only thing I know is your mistakes follow where ever you go