...To Necromancy - Hora NocturnaTake my thoughts and carry them to necromancy.
Delivered through the spirit, carried by the wind.
Endless vastness - vast spheres.
At days and nights point of intersection
shadows are flickering in the cadence of thoughts.
Crystal eyes starring wound covered at their dying time.
Ars Moriendi - Pest Called HumanitySome unwelcoming spell depresses the place.
A look into the mirror,
I see the devil incarnate.
Some misanthrophist in my direction
In my deserted interior is a world
Of misty windswept moorlands.
Bearer of blackest might - Hora NocturnaYe enter - bearer of blackest might!
Gustiness upon sacred soil.
Their savior recourse where chants of subservient parasites resound.
This hallow wooden truss gnashing,
as venerable gates violently open.
Centuries Of Mine - Pest Called HumanityFor Centuries of immutable frost,
these woods have been oh so dark.
Darker than the blackest of storms,
which drapes the dell in formless shadows.
A thousand tears maiming cold,
saturating an elder evil,
A malice that has been here,
Chronicler Of Chaos - Nocturnal MarchUpon them mighty spires of chaos,
amidst the vortex of time,
behold the blackest orb of uncreation,
for the great harvest is acoming,
none shall be able to endure !
Procreation of ages unborn,
foreseen from times untold,
Cimonar de nuit - Hora NocturnaOn a trail between the ruins shadows disappear into the night.
A gathering around the fire lets them celebrate Cimonar de nuit.
Reloaded powers of chaos in darkest glory lets them
chant until their sound reaches the end of nothingness.
Winds carry their spiritual vibrancy.
Coronated Spheres of Adversity - NecrovisionTranscend prime mover, starry and awed,
in radiant grace onto the palace empty of god.
Tenfold entwined sparks of holiness,
oh, crowned emanation of unity caress,
the duality of life and death.
Transcend prime mover, starry and awed,
Das All EineThe sea drowned in stars.
Lunar exalted - Noctiluca � modor se niht
Unfurl them pinions for perennial flight through infinity.
You have never run aground.
You have never fallen.
Alles bin ich - Und ich bin das Eine
Dispatching the Curse of Uncreation - Saldorian SpellQuiesence, so precious, well-nigh forgotten,
echoes through the wooden baronial hall.
Smouldering ornaments, marvelous shimmering,
beyond human entities,incinerating the throne
in a semblance of triangular madness.
The worlds ash bursts the urn, breathe, breathe
the decay, the ruin, death. Suffuse the spirit with
Follow the Calls for BattleA vast colossos is storming over the land,
the gigant judgement of sudden death,
it is creeping up, transforming the human dwelling into a combustion chamber.
His venomous breath gives glimbse to all hillsides of the darkest abyss.
Lacerate the highest of all beings,
Towards the final awakening,
Fundaments of Seminal Knowledge - NecrovisionThe cosmos is a vivacious vessel,
whose profundity equals the depth of nocturnal blackness.
Macrocosm is the measurement for limitedless.
The fundaments of seminal knowledge are nourished
willingly by the cosmical entity.
The cosmos lies within thee
Glance at the Horizon - Saldorian SpellWe call upon the insubstantial entities,
whose radiant glare deprives from
the spirit. Yon, the ones the eye can barely
follow, Yon whose rapid ceasing resembles a fiery spark.
Descending back into chaos, at a flaming horizon,
Raise ye countenance - ye reminiscence
will be preserved
Hora Nocturna - Hora NocturnaVerschmolzen als Schatten der Nacht, sind wir.
Thronen uber den Sternen der Weltallwüste im Kreise der fünf Zacken.
Reich des Verderbens seit Aonen in der Elypse.
Reinkarnation des Chaos, einer schwangeren Leere,
weihen den Untergang, speihen auf Glaubensbekenntnisse,
Hora Ruid - Follow The Calls For BattleImagine...
Underneath Bethlehems star,
plagues of depravity are unleashed
on the path of obliteration the seed to destroy.
Hatched from the womb of a maggot mouldering hag!
Ad Portas Ibi Tempus Fugit
In the Hue of Night - NecrovisionWhen night falls,
the unveilment of sublime visions behold.
What's been obscured by verity
conceives its mold
in the hue of night.
Upon ashen wings in pallid gloomy light
your shadows blackened cast
In the Land of the Mountains of Trees - Follow The Calls For BattleWhere the water flow together,
in the land of the mountains of trees,
there is seen a zadule running to escape.
Fleeing towards the dismal dark...dark!
Come closer and see, stare at the trees
Come closer and see, stare at the blackish mirror.
Kataklysmic BretherensDiluvial cleansing glinting morning dew upon languishing vitality of atrophying spirits.
Astonishing pulchritude reflects in a dead mans golden stare, whilst sham mirrors become obsolete.
Henceforth their sorrow came with pure malevolence.
Chaos embraced avatar, thou art the tenth,
unfold multifariously thy foretold presence.
"Kalpa" - "Mayon" - "Tirumal" primordial one
Malignant Deathcult - Hora NocturnaSkiron - foul winds graze ceremonial robes within the circle of the possessed!
Erebos -nightly mass amidst the elysian fields, to honour the might of beyond!
Pestilential bearer wield thy sinful scythe,
hallowed be thy blackened crown.
In a deathlike frenzy bless this nocturnal cult,
Unchain the phalanx of living plagues.
Necrocosmic Vision - NecrovisionHarken! Ancient tongues are roaring,
From a distant realm they emerge.
Rending this deathly hush asunder
as a ferociously clashing surge,
against the dreariness of
eternal slumber.
Embarking the bleak vessel to set forth
Omnis Immundus Spiritus - NecrovisionOmnis immundus spiritus,
Omnis satanica potestas,
Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii,
Omnis legio diabolica,
adjuramus te.
Invoked is the sacred and terrible name - a nocturnal presence so odorously unclean.
Betwixt this spiritual negativity lies in pain - a sacrificial extispex utter sanguine.
Our Glorious Presence - Follow The Calls For BattleThis is the beginning of all end,
This is the returning of all fears,
This is the existing pain,
The desire of my wide Emirdiale!
Its where the paths lead to my Zadule,
Where nobody exists!
This is the time of Glory,
Pestilential Deathride - Follow The Calls For Battle...a pitiless march through the dark and mantling clouds.
The shadow that departs the life that flees away, and its place is known no more...
Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap,
where each in his narrow cell forgotten laid,
I hear the verses of the winged choristers!
Mournful coaches advance with solem pace,
Primordial Sapphirine Driplets - NecrovisionPrimeval husk - Stellar remnant, source of no polarity,
drawing down the most hidden of all hidden, intangible,
towards the genderless foundation of impurity,
an ensorcelled orbit of a transient starless will.
Opthalmic bedevilment, the augury pours into the chalice,
albeit amongst the sightless there is no seer,
no augur to divine this dire portent, demiurgeous,
Saldor - Pest Called HumanityListen to the white winds of death!
The cries broke the silence of the cimonar.
Gliding between the centuries of time
And I riped their wings of life.
Their decay period started,
and I know they are destructible!
The void in the center of their hope
Saldorian SpellIn the distance, in the night, shadows engage the light.
Winds waft their spirits vibrancy.
Lay down_ and cloth the world into
eternal glory of darkness.
Saldorian Spell - Long live the silence,
lasting reign of night
Saldorian Spell
Scaffold Salvation - Nocturnal MarchOpen! Scraggy portals and gates of the world !
That the king of honor may cometh in.
Open! Rusty fetters of enchained flight,
praise his godly adherents.
For ever and ever his truth lasts.
Immutable enduring death's throne shall be.
Enlighten the path of the spiritually impaled,
Spectral Runletf Of Tulwod - Nocturnal MarchDimly shaded haze - thought entangling,
whilst rivers of crimson red brawling -
open the gates.
Open the Gates !
Awake thee not, sleep ! Sleep on.
Fill these dormant eyes
Suitor of Death - Saldorian SpellSuitor of death - whose soul is sheared to pieces.
You are wandering alone straying in haze and dismal shades.
Rival of death – whose eyes have seen silver leafs on golden
boughs upon the great tree of dawn.
Embody the delusion and defeat of lives deluded mentally blind.
Abandon the illusion and deceit of the unearthly world behind.
Tempestous Sermonizers of forthcoming Death - Hora NocturnaVisions bleak, fortified in maiming cold.
Enthralled by ancient conjured vociferations.
Insignificant, miserable lives are unable to repel
their forthcoming violent death.
Tempestous sermonizers breath chimes
a funeral dirge of an ungodly tome.
Thanatos - Follow The Calls For BattleDas Sein
Die Spanne zwischen Geburt und Tod.
Inanimation on whole Emerdiale,
wide desolation presents Zylef.
From the depths of misery I see them,
I see them in the depths of misery,
the greatest pest.
The Dead Hate the LivingImpending upon the path -
leading to where eternal sleep dwells,
is the feeling of mighty perfectibility.
Dismal, Dreary like the universe,
beautiful like suicidal adoration
Reach ... for his scraggy claw.
The Descent to the Last CircleWinged bearer of astral lights,
who's span enfolds seven principals,
ye, I summon thee.
From solitude, out of inaneness,
awaken, descent from oblivion
down to the everlasting four.
The Eviscerator - NecrovisionBound by an insatiable craving,
a fateful carnivorous greed,
even in death still raving,
a bloodied life's work to exceed.
The Eviscerator – The Eviscerator
From Sitra Achra, side of Kelipah returning,
The Resentful Wanderer - Follow The Calls For BattleThe resentful wanderer sets out on the misty path of enlightment.
Though in absence of fear, still many a few which worries him.
He is like winters embrace cold, yet with these mesmerizing sights
Of spectral landscapes of the great emirdiale in his frozen eyes,
there is a certain warmness in his tersareth.
Hear the sound of his mighty stride advancing,
unwavering in the distance...far, deep in the saldor!
The Saturnine Chapel - Saldorian SpellPart the shadow, the chasm and the
night. Within the ancient Saldor
their awed voices are heard. Within the ruins
they are echoing off the walls as reflections
of past saturnine deeds.
Rituals scarred subtle worlds into existence
and carried us into a magical substantiality.
Through Rotting Stench - Nocturnal MarchThey seize the spectre of Cimonar,
and set up against the vastness of unforeseeable.
Nothing else remains except
to let self-destruction run
It's unstoppable course.
Riding through rotting stench in blood swamp
Riding through rotting stench in blood swamp
Towards Berzenelon - Follow The Calls For BattleAinsoph the principle of all and nothing,
from the possession of no property flows the Berzenelon into the universe.
Impenetrable in blackness,
striking its roots with infinite multitude
each solitary standing for its own revelation.
Pencilled vigour strong and of devestating power!
Astral darkness is the foundation of unconsciousness:
Unearthing cosmic decay - Hora NocturnaBreak the blazing hands of time,
thus letting all life dwell within its despicable misery.
Unearth the course of cosmic decay!
Lead the ancient vile malice into mankinds congested veins.
Unearth the course of cosmic decay!
Upon My Arrival - NecrovisionA place without designation, native soil without an abode,
Quethe with your silentness, live without a breath,
rustle and fall silent with the wind
upon my arrival.
Let the driblets of grief trickle - through my veins
pulsating life, throbing death - steadily around us
Gigantic and trifling - upon my arrival.
Wicher Za Gorami - Nocturnal MarchNadchodzi wicher za górami
Zbliża się wicher górami
Na wielkim wzgórzu gdzie wiatry panują
rozbijają się fale o skały
Tam morze rozdzieliło kamień,
gdzie powstała ogromna przestrzeń
Na horyzoncie ciemność zaczęła panować,