Crimson Hill все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Blind With HatredRise, the corpse that consumed by the time
Remember you have suffered once,awake your memory
Walk through the chaotic lands,remind the promise to your past
Take revenge abandoned orphan,blind with hatred through insanity
Broken MirrorsI look to the old house
It's not possible to live in it
But I saw that the stories had been alive
Against too long pebbly distance
Message To ContinueMy mind poured into the holes
I couldn’t stand with broken bones
My heart is full with tombs
Do you want to see inside my soul
My Bloody LoverWake up from your nightmares
Can’t hide in your sadness
Now that your heart is hollow
No more room for sorrow
SalvationHatred, tired
Angry, misery
Sickness, sadness
All I can see in the world
White Turns To BlackThe journey has began for achievement
I have desire and goals
When I strive for hopes
Bad things happen, disappointment soars