Amazing Boom BoomFly away with me, come away with me,
I see tears like rain in your eyes,
Look me in the eye, party still going strong,
A pimp like him, a pimp like her,
Fever like standing still bird that perches,
I situate, you situate,
Love needs sex flow to go alone, I do,
Cuff that until I use my hand to cover my mouth to cough, stop it, take the beat back,
Love and WarI am in love with you, or am I in a war with you? Baby, feed me to answer me. body to body on the battlefield,
Everything is field control for the dead. Where is alive, love? I only can find the dead love in the yield.
Where is the clearest sky above, like what my girl told me? Do you believe in never say never if we are in a war? Yes,
I believe love is forever stay forever if we are in love. Gambling or gaming? I don't know and I will never know,
I feel like a superman within, with muscles on my shoulder and back. I feel sexy; call me Mr. Sexy if you
See an enemy again in love and war. You Think me of sexily want you, with a spear out into you.