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  • Текст песни В.Хьюстон и Мрая Керри - вен ю белив

    Исполнитель: В.Хьюстон и Мрая Керри
    Название песни: вен ю белив
    Дата добавления: 23.06.2014 | 05:14:46
    Просмотров: 517
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    Здесь расположен текст песни В.Хьюстон и Мрая Керри - вен ю белив, перевод и видео.
    Many nights we pray
    With no proof anyone could hear

    In our hearts a hopeful song
    We barely understood

    Now we are not afraid
    Although we know there's much to fear
    We were moving mountains long

    Before we knew we could

    There can be miracles
    When you believe
    Though hope is frail
    It's hard to kill
    Who knows what miracles
    You can achieve
    When you believe
    Somehow you will
    You will when you believe

    In this time of fear
    When prayer so often proves in vain
    Hope seems like the summer birds
    Too swiftly flown away
    And now I am standing here
    My heart's so full I can't explain

    Seeking faith and speaking words
    I never thought I'd say


    They don't always happen when you ask

    And it's easy to give in to your fear
    But when you're blinded by your pain
    Can't see your way clear through the rain
    A small but still resilient voice
    Says love is very near

    Долгими ночами мы молились,

    И не было знака, что молитвы наши услышаны. Мы сами едва слышали

    Песнь надежды, звучавшую в наших сердцах. Но нам более не ведом страх,

    Хотя мы знаем, нам есть чего бояться,

    Но мы сдвигали горы задолго до того, как поверили, Что мы сможем это сделать. [Припев:]

    Чудеса случаются,

    Когда искренне веришь.

    Надежда хрупка,

    Но убить ее трудно.

    Кто знает, какие чудеса

    Ты можешь свершить

    С верой.

    Никто не знает, как, но ты свершишь,

    Свершишь, если веришь. В наше время отчаяния,

    Когда молитвы так часто бывают напрасны,

    Надежда подобна летним птицам:

    Она слишком быстро улетает.

    И вот я стою здесь.

    Мое сердце так переполнено, что я не могу подобрать слов. Я обретаю веру и говорю о том,

    О чем раньше говорить не осмеливалась. [Припев] Чудеса не всегда происходят по твоему желанию, И так легко поддаться страху,

    Но когда боль ослепляет,

    Когда ты не видишь пути за стеной дождя,

    Тихий, но внятный голос

    Говорит тебе, что любовь совсем рядом. [Припев]
    Many nights we pray
    With no proof anyone could hear

    In our hearts a hopeful song
    We barely understood

    Now we are not afraid
    Although we know there's much to fear
    We were moving mountains long

    Before we knew we could

    There can be miracles
    When you believe
    Though hope is frail
    It's hard to kill
    Who knows what miracles
    You can achieve
    When you believe
    Somehow you will
    You will when you believe

    In this time of fear
    When prayer so often proves in vain
    Hope seems like the summer birds
    Too swiftly flown away
    And now I am standing here
    My heart's so full I can't explain

    Seeking faith and speaking words
    I never thought I'd say


    They don't always happen when you ask

    And it's easy to give in to your fear
    But when you're blinded by your pain
    Can't see your way clear through the rain
    A small but still resilient voice
    Says love is very near

    Long nights we prayed ,

    And there was no sign that our prayers are heard. We are barely heard

    Song of hope , sounded in our hearts. But we are no longer guided by fear,

    While we know we have something to fear ,

    But we moved the mountains long before to believe that we can do it . [Chorus:]

    Miracles do happen ,

    When sincerely believe .

    Hope fragile

    But it is difficult to kill .

    Who knows what miracles

    You can accomplish

    With faith .

    Nobody knows how , but you're done,

    Accomplished, if you believe . In our time of despair ,

    When prayer so often in vain,

    Hope is like the summer birds :

    It flies too fast .

    And here I am standing here.

    My heart is so crowded that I can not find the words . I gain confidence and talking about

    What did not dare to speak earlier . [Chorus] Miracles do not always occur at your will , and so easy to succumb to fear,

    But when the pain dazzles

    When you see the way through the wall of rain,

    Quiet but audible voice

    Tells you that love is very close. [Chorus]


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