What The Heck I Gotta Do[NARRATOR]
The plan was called Operation D-Minus. And one of the schools included in the plan was Park Vista Community High School, where a kid named Justin Laboy—
That's me
—an 18-year-old honor roll student—
I called a cousin who called a cousin who called a friend, who called a couple dozen cousins, cause it doesn't end
My cousin Justin's looking for a little something-something for a certain someone, some girl he wants to be touching
Everybody's got a cousin who can hook them up with something
Justin would later find out it's a felony in Florida to sell marijuana. And the penalty is even harsher for selling it on school property. In other words, Justin had made an irreversibly bad decision. And since he was over 18, he was legally an adult when he made it
Seriously, these kids need to learn there are consequences in life. I am doing my job. I am doing it right. I am making life safer one school at a time
In May, the police arrested 31 students at several schools. Justin was one of them
One School[NAOMI]
I didn't say yes. I didn't say I'll think about it. I can't tell you my real name, but yes, I can confirm that I did get asked to the prom
The undercover officer who played Naomi is 25 years old, a new recruit at the Palm Beach Police Force
My assignment: to pose as a senior and find out who's buying, who's selling. Mostly pills and weed, you would not believe how easy it is to get pills and weed
The next day, Justin brought a rolled-up baggie of marijuana to school for Naomi
And I was like, oh my god, I'm actually gonna do this. So we was in class, and I sat down right next to her. And she was like—
Justin, do you have it?