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  • Текст песни Джигоки - тема пустого из лесов

    Исполнитель: Джигоки
    Название песни: тема пустого из лесов
    Дата добавления: 11.06.2014 | 14:19:30
    Просмотров: 31
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Джигоки - тема пустого из лесов, перевод и видео.
    Somewhere between happy
    And total fucking wreck
    Feet sometimes on solid ground,
    sometimes at the edge
    To spend your waking moments simply killing time
    Is to give up on your hopes and dreams,
    to give up on your...

    Life for you has been less than kind
    So take a number, stand in line
    We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
    But how we survive
    Is what makes us who we are

    An obvious disinterest, a barely managed smile
    A deep nod in agreement, a status quo: exile
    I shirk my obligations,
    I miss all your deadlines
    I excel at quitting early
    And fucking up my life


    All smiles and sunshine,
    a perfect world on a perfect day
    Everything always works out,
    I have never felt so fucking great
    All smiles and sunshine,
    a perfect world on a perfect day
    Everything always works out,
    I have never felt so great

    But life isn't like this, life isn't like this,
    Life isn't like this, life isn't like this
    Are we verging on an answer
    Or fucking up our


    (Who we are)
    It's what makes us who we are
    (Who we are)
    Makes us who we are
    (Who we are)
    It's what makes us who we are

    Я - нечто среднее между счастливцем и
    Абсолютной греб*ной развалиной,
    Под ногами то твердая почва,
    То край обвала,
    Но жить, лишь убивая время с утра до вечера
    Значит ставить крест на своих надеждах и мечтах,
    Ставить крест на собственной жизни...

    Жизнь была к тебе менее чем благосклонна,
    Так присоединяйся к нашему числу, к нашим рядам,
    Все мы о чем-то жалели и от чего-то страдали,
    Но каждый выбирает свой способ выживания,
    И этот выбор делает нас теми, кто мы есть...

    Очевидное равнодушие, едва вымученная улыбка,
    Услужливый согласный кивок, статус-кво: ссылка,
    Я уклоняюсь от своих обязанностей,
    Я плюю на установленные вами сроки,
    Я успешно сдаюсь в самом начале
    И продолжаю гробить собственную жизнь...


    "Повсюду улыбки и всем светит солнце,
    Идеальный день в жизни идеального мира,
    Все проблемы всегда решаются сами,
    И я, черт возьми, впервые так счастлив.
    Повсюду улыбки и всем светит солнце,
    Идеальный день в жизни идеального мира,
    Все проблемы всегда решаются сами,
    И я впервые так счастлив..."

    Но в жизни все не так, в жизни все не так,
    В жизни все не так, в жизни все не так,
    Приблизились ли мы к ответу на свои вопросы
    Или продолжаем гробить собственную жизнь?


    (Кто мы есть)
    Этот выбор делает нас теми, кто мы есть,
    (Кто мы есть)
    Этот выбор делает нас теми, кто мы есть,
    (Кто мы есть)
    Этот выбор делает нас теми, кто мы есть.
    Somewhere between happy
    And total fucking wreck
    Feet sometimes on solid ground,
    sometimes at the edge
    To spend your waking moments simply killing time
    Is to give up on your hopes and dreams,
    to give up on your ...

    Life for you has been less than kind
    So take a number, stand in line
    We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
    But how we survive
    Is what makes us who we are

    An obvious disinterest, a barely managed smile
    A deep nod in agreement, a status quo: exile
    I shirk my obligations,
    I miss all your deadlines
    I excel at quitting early
    And fucking up my life


    All smiles and sunshine,
    a perfect world on a perfect day
    Everything always works out,
    I have never felt so fucking great
    All smiles and sunshine,
    a perfect world on a perfect day
    Everything always works out,
    I have never felt so great

    But life isn't like this, life isn't like this,
    Life isn't like this, life isn't like this
    Are we verging on an answer
    Or fucking up our


    (Who we are)
    It's what makes us who we are
    (Who we are)
    Makes us who we are
    (Who we are)
    It's what makes us who we are

    I - a cross between the fortunate and
    Absolute rowed * tion wreck
    Underfoot is firm ground
    That edge of collapse ,
    But to live , just killing time from morning to evening
    So put an end to their hopes and dreams,
    Put an end to his own life ...

    Life has been to you in less than favorable ,
    So join our number , our ranks ,
    We all feel sorry about something and suffered from something ,
    But everyone chooses his own way of survival,
    And this choice makes us who we are ...

    Apparent indifference , almost tortured smile ,
    Helpful consonant nod , the status quo : link
    I shy away from their responsibilities ,
    I spit on you set deadlines ,
    I successfully give up at the beginning
    And I continue to ruin their own lives ...


    " Throughout all smiles and sunshine ,
    A perfect day in the life of an ideal world ,
    All the problems are always resolved themselves
    And I damn , so happy for the first time .
    Throughout all smiles and sunshine ,
    A perfect day in the life of an ideal world ,
    All the problems are always resolved themselves
    And I'm so happy for the first time ... "

    But life is not so, life is not so
    Everything in life is not the case, life is not so
    Are we closer to an answer to your questions
    Or continue to ruin their lives ?


    ( Who we are )
    This choice makes us who we are,
    ( Who we are )
    This choice makes us who we are,
    ( Who we are )
    This choice makes us who we are.


    О чем песня Джигоки - тема пустого из лесов?

    Верный ли текст песни?