Автор текста: Мария Прудковская Читает: ДС. Обработал запись: Николай Дмитричев Тема гитары: Николай Дмитричев
Автор и название композиции: Jesper Hellvik - "Forest Mist" Саундтрек взят с сервиса soundcloud.com Лицензия Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Where the night is dark at the breaking of the clouds, Alatyr lies, the stone is white flammable. No beasts, no birds, no living soul, Only the heart beats in total silence.
I fall on him, kneeling on my knees I will cover a wreath of fragrant herbs. Only my whisper will float around, Under the spell woodland spell.
Take the fortune, stone Alatyr, Return to the soul the light, where dumb wasteland. Thirty three locks, thirty three keys, Let trouble burn, as now the candle.
Let the one for whom I sing come back Let dispel my sadness-look sadness. I conjure darkness, I conjure in the daytime - Remember only the minutes where we are together.
You fucking fate, weave the way, So that any path - go to me. Let the light of a candle lead through the darkness. Help me, stone. Let it be so.
Text writer: Maria Prudkovskaya Reads: DS. I processed the record: Nikolai Dmitrichev Guitar subject: Nikolai Dmitrichev
The author and title of the composition: Jesper Hellvik - & quot; Forest Mist & quot; Soundtrack taken from soundcloud.com License Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)