A Path Of InfamyMy troubled journey began,
Some 15 days past with the death a man
Of his crimes I know nothing nor know I his name,
But still his demise would blemish my name.
And he haunts me still
With his vulture eyes,
Piercing my lies
At my moment of glory
Crowning The CycleNow listen man:
There's no good to be found in this mire
The muck's just deeper and the further you dig
The more it sticks to your soul and skin
Slowly settling the taint within
When all is said
We'll be amongst the practical dead
Grim ApparitionsAs the shroud cleared from my mind,
The sights I saw, the remnants of my world,
Were all grim apparitions.
Ghastly remnants of a past, interior night.
The pawn lay dead, banished from my head.
And the scent of self deceit grew weak.
The story of I, needs to be revised,
Behold the pawn lay dead!
Lost Among LiarsMother see your son, he's been lost amongst liars, in the night alone his direction dire. Father see you sons they are at home amidst liars, enemies of the truth standing taller, higher. Sudden shifts breaking the lines, the cracks that once were easy to find are all hastily smeared out with time, to cover each crime.
When dues are called and one found to appall, the further up then the longer the fall, locked away from sight in a cellar stall or thrown from a windows high upon the wall.
Pills of ConformityNo no! This face must go!
It will not do, we require another you!
It will not fit,
The place for which,
You are intended,
It must be mended.
That frown won't do,
But we have a cure for you.
Race for The GallowsDark alleys, gas light haze
Smog riddled sinners in a gloomy maze
This is the decade of us sordid sons
We keep the devil from the streets, have justice done
Filth riddled dreadful air
In every nook and crevice lures the devil's snare
A proper captain needs his sordid sons
To keep the devil from the streets, have justice done
The Benevolent PawnI urged to do good, but somehow motives, action and its consequence can form absurd chains.
I never fully understood but somehow, somehow these grew taint.
Obscured my inner eye.
Spawned interior lies.
The lies turned to truth in my eyes.
Called upon me to commit these deeds,
I would consider vile. As if these hands weren't mine.
The Bolted DoorThere stands a bleak massive door
At the end of a long winding hall
A massive, dreadful, disheartening thing
Guarding terrible, dreadful things
It looms in the dim dark light
Lock upon lock, it's sealed shut, shut tight
It's been moulded through ages in dim dark rooms
To a thunderous beat of impending doom
The Crumbling RealmSee the towers are crumbling, great domes fall apart.
This once potent realm has long since lost its spark.
Like an old bitter ghost of some glorious past,
The world mocks the splendor from which it was cast.
Like a ghost from the past.
From which it was cast.
See your dying realm, your world has ended.
To Sever The Hand Of CorruptioIt was hard to see, through blurring eyes, my grave disease.
Had I been deceived, by hands of corruption, to fit their needs?
Should I try to cut the line, and sever the bonds tying me to this vile kind?
Still, subconscious demons are hard to find,
Like finding daylight when you are blind.
Restrained, Deemed as insane, profane,
This disdain is my own shame, my only grain of self.