ArcheAgeless rivers flow
Into the blackened fjords
Mountains break the skies
As infinite monuments of old
The sound of emptiness
Wastelands of deathlike sights
These endless yawning gaps
Dei daude steig av gravSå grå var ingen vår vel før
Som våren I år
Det er som om sjølve ljoset blør
Av hemmelege sår
Sola skinner, men I vinterblåst
Den kuldsker også den
Ein likkvit flekk av sjelefrost
Har merka land og menn
DisciplinedThis is times of battle,
This is times of war,
This is time for discipline,
No mercy for a war whore.
Life turns harsh,
But lust does not disappear,
Life turns dark,
There are times when time stand still
Times where there are no tomorrow
Remembering the days of life
The days we used to live
Innocent ages our most valuable time
Fire On The MountainRebirth of life
New moral values awake
A beast takes shape
Awakes an inner hate
Primal instincts let wild
An untamed figure arise
From the shadows it's watching
I KrigEg er født i ein generasjon
Som såg krigar og revulosjon
Me såg verda på trebein og krykkar
Gå mot komande verdsulykke
Korleis kan det no gå fatalt
Ja, så reint inn i helvete galt
Me såg alle dei yttarst normale
Fenomen blei splintrande gale
JarnbyrdJarnnetter nærmar seg
Stivna står skogen og bier
Over dei langsynte lier
Over dei stirrande tjern
Alt som kan gløda det gløder
Langs einsame stiar
Bær sin haust som ein byrde
Av glødande jarn
Millom Hav Og FjellNoreg millom fjell og hav
Slektas vogge heim og grav
Dette landet høgt og hardt
Kviskrar lågt med morsmild stemme
Det er her du høyrer heime
Er me ute i det fjerne
Står det som ei sumarstjerne
MilorgWith the military capitulation in 1940,
Weapons are sheltered away,
Contact is kept by officers,
Resistance is growing by the day.
Some men fight for freedom,
Some men die for you,
Some men fight the oppressor,
Pitch BlackPitch black attack
Alarming sirens fuel the fear
Everywhere there's chaos and decay
Glass shattering
War drums battering
Enter the pitch black brigade
Shadows of AuroraSHADOWS OF AURORA
Northern darkness lit on fire
The magic night-sky dance
A theatre of occult nature
I swirl in a devilish green trance
Under this mystic moon
Slaveith unrestrained steps he wandered the earth
An appetite for survival, a natural law
With no vice nor virtue
There was no moral nor awe
Man was born free, now he is everywhere in chains
Once a wild spirit, now a socialized slave
SvartEit andlete herja
Med byrgt og berjet,
Eit mange-tusenårig blikk
Som gøymer alt som kom og gikk
Dette er min heimkyst - Her og slik
Og ingen anna lik
The Blood EagleBorn out of worlds of fire and ice
The nature spirits embrace our lives
From the underworld to above
We worship the fertile soil
Carved in the back
Blood strained wings are dressed
An image of grotesque
The Sound of the RiverA northbound path
Alone I walk this land
These lordless fields
Untouched by man
Through the narrow woods
Trees shield the wind
Just a whistling sound
Desolation becomes me
Then We DieFrom the wilderness we arose
Spread our wings in search
For answers to eternal questions
Life after death
The meaning of birth
Sometimes we see it
But most times we deny
Under IsenNo er me under isen
No er me underlagt
Den grå og skitne isen
Av framand overmakt
Tungt kviler den på landet
Men høyr i fjellet vatnet
Det sender bod med bekkane
Som kviskrar nedad brekkane
Welcome To The AsylumWelcome to the asylum
A monotheistic sect
Where reasons are abandoned
The one almighty you serve and protect
Mythic manifest of interpreted scriptures
A roadmap to the spiritual call
While life is not enough and death too much
The forest quiet
Yet so alive
Everlasting mountains
Rivers of life
Shadows from the spruces
Wolverine BastardsWasted ashore by a stormfull flood
Left behind by their natural kin
Raised by disrespected peasants
Born with nothing, but with a world to win
Set aside as a waste of nature
No companion for the wealthy clan
Mocked and feared for their appearance