Adonis BlueI'll give myself a vision for a boy for this one girl.
He can be the colors of a paintbox set in a black and white world. He'll be a bit of everything, be the silver in the clouds.
Be a whisper silent as a kiss or a scream that's just as loud.
I know he can be found.
Adonis Blue
Adonis Blue.
Sad like me but he's always smiling.
Beat of Love(words t.bryn/music t.bryn, brad nack)
(temptation rap by m. brooke)
The beat of love is a nasty one.
It's a flame from the devils fire.
'cause nothing is stronger than boys and their eyes
And it's worse when you know he's a liar.
It's just the beat of love.
Beauty to My EyesStars have been subjects
Of poets and priests and
Girls on bended knees.
I see the heavens looking at you...
I like just looking. Good enough
For two, half for me and half for
You. It comes completely simple
And true.
Blue in ParadiseSilver lining changed to gray skies
When a red-eyed angel waved goodbye
In my lifetime, I may find him once again to my surprise
I'll wait here, patiently and you may just return to find me
Blue in paradise, the paint runs down just like my teardrops
Blue in paradise, I'll paint the town until the hurt stops
Don't Call Me BabyDon't call me baby
When she is waiting in the car
It took so long to get this far
Don't call me baby
You said forever
And then you went and changed your plans
You said some day I'd understand
HeavenlyHeavenly oh heavenly
Who on earth chose luck me?
Earth and rain and wind and sky meet in your kiss, electrify
Sometimes in brightness of the day well,
It makes no sense at all
Sometimes beneath the scrutiny of the sun you can
See some of the faults. But, right now it's
I Say NothingI heard this girl one day.
She had these long, tight legs.
She said, "I get it every night,
and he calls me every day.
He'll leave you black and blue.
He'll rip you right in two,
then wake up in the morning,
I Walk the Earth(brad nack)
I walk the earth earth my darling, this is my home
Grab your pack my darling
Grab your pack and walk with me
We will walk the road
This road is all we need
I could be flat broke
I'm Shooting Cupid
Cupid you promised that you would give me a break.
You said I could make my own choice.
Stupid of me to think I could avoid you again.
Escape all of your little voices.
You've gone and made me want someone I could never have.
Don't think I don't hear you laughing.
Little Gods
Little girls shouldn't treat
Little boys they happen to meet
Like little gods.
Do they keep their promises ?
No they break them, why do they
Make them ?
Look At Me
He says "I am not romantic come give me a kiss".
She says "I'm the silent type. Come over here sit in this,
I say that I am lost and you're a road to follow.
I say we're all inside ourselves so often these days,
And somehow we think we're the next best thing to heaven.
All so busy with our failures and all our glories.
Love Locked InsideWrite your name in sand and snow
Watch it blow away
Write your name in blood and rain
And see it leave a stain upon my soul
We've got Father Time, we've got Mother Earth
Somehow love is all we crave
Painted you with the colors of the night
Man in the Moon
(words t.bryn, m brooke/music t.bryn)
the man in the moon is my man
He never say nothing so I know he understands
He's the brother I never had- the husband I'd never
Want he's everything to everone - he's famous
He's the man in the moon
Monsters and AngelsI'm nobody's wife and I'm nobody's baby,
I like it that way but then again, maybe.
I'm nobody's valentine & I'm nobody's pearl
When you get right down to it I always seem to always find just
Some girl singin'
There are monsters, there are angels.
(By Tracey Bryn & David Motion)
(in loving memory of Marlon, 1958 - 1993)
There is somewhere in the sun where we can run all day
And when it's warm and we are tried in cool shade we will lay
Until the stars on us descend and we're left in the dark
In the night a sweet perfume and although we'll be parting
Oh Love
(words m.brooke/music m.brooke, m.jones)
he don't care the I've been untrue
He don't care that I cry every night 'cause we're through
And he don't wait to walk me home
I gambled our love and now I'm alone
Perfect PlaceWe are all together alone, and these are just wishes and I
Am just dreaming. If I ever grow up I will take care of the old and
All the babies that have no one. You might think I give myself
Too much credit but I am just dreaming. 'Cause not much is sacred,
There's not really much to do here any more. I don't feel like you said,
I walk the earth my darling but I never feel at home and we all
Say I will change tomorrow. I will change it all tomorrow. I will
Assure all of the husbands who are guilty and the wives who feel
Playing House
(By Tracey Bryn & Martin Brett)
He's walking slowly - he is in no hurry
He is walking to the slaughter of the hell that's called routine
She arises tried - she is feeding on the famine of the
Fat that's called the housewife
Making sure that it's all clean
Say ItYou cover me with kisses.
You always walk me home.
You say I make you head go
Nasty when you are alone.
Keep eyes on me at parties,
You push their hands away.
You know they're in it for the
Sorrow Floats(t. bryn)
I can't stick around she said
Not much to be found she said
I ought to know, time goes by slowly
I am here and I am young
Life is here and not much fun
Trust Me
(t. bryn)
girls lie to boys and boys lie to girls
He says, "I've been at the office, papers up to here"
But he smells like beer
She says, "its okay"
He thinks she doesn't know - women always know
What You Have Is Enough
you're upset because your tv is on the blink
Now you have to watch in the living room life is rough
In this world of plenty it is easy to forget
That darling what you have is enough
Darling what you have is enough