Kabe Habe Boloкабе ха'бе боло се-дина амар
(амар) апарадха гхучи', шуддха наме ручи,
крипа-бале ха'бе хридойе санчар
Скажи мне, когда же придет этот день? Когда я перестану совершать оскорбления и в моем сердце появится вкус к чистому святому имени Бога?
тринадхика хина, кабе нидже мани'
сахишнута-гуна хридойете ани'
сакале манада, апани амани,
хо'йе асвадибо нама-раса-сар
Kabe Habe Bolo 01Кабе ха’бе боло седина амар
— Скажи пожалуйста, когда же придет тот день? —
Шаранагати, Вигьяпти
Шрила Бхактивинода Тхакур
кабе ха’бе боло се-дина амар
(амар) апарадха гхучи’, шуддха наме ручи,
крипа-бале ха’бе хридойе санчар (1)
Vrndavana ramya sthanaUnderstanding Visnujana’s musical talents, Prabhupada gives him the words to a song by Narottama dasa Thakur, Vrndavana ramya sthana, and asks him to compose a melody that his countrymen will like. Visnujana is excited by this service, and the next day he informs His Divine Grace that he already has a melody for the song. Prabhupada asks Visnujana to come by his room and sing the new melody. After hearing Visnujana sing the bhajan, Prabhupada is greatly pleased. He thanks him for the beautiful melody and authorizes him to compose other melodies for the devotees to chant. No other devotee has this authority.
Although an outstanding musician in his own right, Visnujana is particularly impressed with Prabhupada’s musical abilities. Not only is he an accomplished mrdanga player, but Prabhupada’s harmonium playing reminds him of the top jazz musicians. And never has Visnujana heard such deep and profound singing. Yet all of Prabhupada’s music is simply to glorify the Supreme Lord, Krsna.
[from Radha Damodar Vilasa Vol. 1 by Vaiyasaki dasa Adhikari]
Author: Narottam Das Thakur