By your sidein the time when all oceans fall
you need a way you need the ability
to escape from this cruel world
all you need is the power of defeat
we are awake
after dream that we saw
we concentrated on lives that you can't ignore
Dream onDreaming,
This time you are dreaming.
You’re waiting for my voice
Which tell you that you should
Take back your minds
And save this life
This girl is look like queen
Homelesswake up,
your eyes are looking for help,
your hands reaching to sky,
you are waiting for the end.
we despise and are upset
we try to speak with GOD
SurrenderI’m still rain, i’m still fire
i’m looking for a place
And i need to hide there
I run away from you
What have you lost, after leaving this world
What have you found,is that rest or it’s peace
Maybe I feel, that your death was only my fault
Две ПланетыЕще вчера я не знал, что
Есть на свете две планеты,
Которые так привлекут меня к тебе
Своим ярким светом
На одной из них цветы и поля
Чудные пейзажи,водопады,
На другой - чистые луга,
ХудожникЯ смотрю на незнакомых людей
Сквозь сырое и разбитое стекло,
Вокруг пролетают много теней
Но мне это не надо, мне все равно
Ты никогда не узнаешь кто будет с тобой,
Проходя сквозь незнакомых людей
Они не скажут тебе и слова "Постой"