At My HeelsI'm in the belly of a canyon
I can't come up with any reason
Wild ghost is followin' me
Wild ghost is followin' me
I got some [fear] for the [long]ing
I got the pillow for the bad dreams
The apparition dancing with me
Castles In The SnowYoure my favorite day dream.
Im your famous nightmare.
Everything I see looks like gold,
everything I touch goes cold.
Castles In The Snow.
Heres all I know.
Your checkered room and your velvet bow.
Five SecondsFive seconds in your heart
Straight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
She said, five seconds in your heart
Straight to your heart
I can't get to your heart
Linking arms to the right time
FlatlinersWho'd have known,
heart got broken everyday now it's like every time I laugh out loud
Symptoms of them
face down snuggle it out before you even look it up
we don't wanna be flatliners...
pump, pump, pump it up
if I could just pick you up right now
then there's this one thing that I would be screaming out my heart has a chamber of trust now...
I Can't WaitI cannot wait for summer
I cannot wait for June
When all the ghosts are quiet
When everything is new
My voice to me, he's always asking for a dance
She said I hate his moves
Hands under her legs, his hands, always in my hand
Mirror In the DarkWanted me to see you like a ghost
Wanted me to break apart the love that comes close
So you can be alone
Don't want me around, 'round, 'round
I want you to look into my face
And I want you take apart this place
Then tell me everything that you found, found, found
Old Love, New LoveСтарая любовь / Новая любовь
Что я, предполагают, чтобы сказать?
Старая любовь позвонил мне вчера, хммм
И она звучит так сладко
Об она звучит так, так, так
PatientYou are adored but you say you’re alone
Like I’m nothing at all
That’s how you punish me
By always letting me fall
I built a sanctuary for your troubles and doubts
And there I pray for you
And now you look at me
Like I wasn’t true
Run My Heart(Refrain)
You don't know my heart
You don't know my heart
So don't you dare
You don't run my heart
You don't run my heart
Don't pretend you care
Shooting HolesBite the hand I know she doesn’t care
Leave a trail the hounds will find us anywhere
Call the cops and tell em what we’ve done
Tell em that tonight we stole your father’s guns
With your right hand, you sayin
“I think we’re gonna be so close”
Let’s sing a song, on our way back home
You and me shooting holes in the moon
SlowDon't turn me over, just let me know
How long will it be before you let me go?
You hold the line, a bullet soul
It's just that sometimes, times, so slow
Sometimes, times, so slow
I don't wanna, believe, be but, in love
I don't wanna, be, believe, in love
Tether BeatIs your heart not heavy when she says goodbye
Do reach for another when you turn of the light
Do you sigh yourself awake
Is there nothing you can fake?
Do you wear it on your face like it's all you can take?
Does your heart still beat?
Does your heart still beat?
The One(Verse)
I'm in love with the end of a book
You role in with the cruel world
There's something that's missing
There's something about you
My lies with the coldest star
You would do the unthinkable for me
To The Top(ost Tales from the Borderlands)
Turn Me UpYou got my heart straight pulling in the wrong direction
You got me all along with my own affections
Sooner I pull away, the sooner I'm safe
As I try to forget you
You got me needing you like you're some religion
You told me go away like it's my decision
But as soon as I pull away,
Tyrant DestroyedI know you spent some time from the town to the city looking for a life to start
And When you were 15, I know what you said;
"I'll never let another black boy break my heart"
You waited a decade for me to come find you, There's never been a chance so rare.
I was just on my out on a prosethic love, never been someone so real.
This was love
Watch Me GoI put her in my head in the tiniest framework
In the space left for me where you neck meets your shoulder
We're used
Who has the mask? Don't make me laugh
It's always been you
Like the ocean meets the rain, we've been one the same
When our bodies touch again
When We're DancingI am trying to remember all the things that I've known
They all shine soft and stand alone
Like I picture you waiting at the end of a bridge
But it's hard for me to render all the things that we did
You play a doctor with the door unlocked
Kissing on your cousin and we both got caught
And this is how the path was formed inside the silent ground