Crooked RoomI'm shaking hands with silent knives,
sleeping with snakes at my breast i should have known, traitors, liars, thieves - they´re having plans we don´t conceive, traitors, liars, thieves - all sharpen their teeth, in crooked rooms their smiles are bent, they speak in tongues and bear their fangs and build you up to tear you down, piece by piece they tear you down, traitors, liars, thieves - i wish you all had one neck and my hands were on it.
The Charme Of Flickering LightsNeon golden city light silhouettes, all chrome, brickwalls and rusted steel, kühl und hell in den augen, die flickernden lichter und irgendwo da oben der grenzenlose horizont, neon golden city light silhouettes, the charme of flickering lights, all chrome, brickwalls and rusted steel, hinter glänzenden fassaden, wir die lebenden schatten, eingelullt in unsere träume, kühl und hell in den augen, die flickernden lichter und irgendwo da oben der grenzenlose horizont, we've got skies in mind but no stars to see, and all this concrete noise and steel, glücksversprechen die keine erfüllung gebracht haben und alles was uns bleibt ist beton, eingeborene des betons, parade der zombies, in cities that never sleep the machines gears turn constantly, ewig fortlaufende mechanik, absurde banalität unserer lebenskonstrukte, our cultivated assembly line existences, zwischen trümmern und bauschutt wächst der neue exzess, we run between concrete canyons, and if you don't run across these streets you'll simply get run over, trampled underfoot, the meatstock is on its way.
Thorns And ShroudDecadence at arms length, in your jesus christ pose, the nails are being driven, "and all of that sad black has sunk into your skin, scene points for the image", pretentiousness dripping from your fingertips, a celebration of testosterone instincts, self indulgent, self revered, self serving, thanks for the show.