- Atrophy Of The Heart
Slumbering eyes deserted from life
Stagnant breaths buried deep in my chest
Apathy flows through every pore of this flesh
Lay this soul to rest, lay these bones to rest
A faceless crowd, carrying their woes
With tired shoulders, dressed in rust
A thought still lingers upon my toungue
- From Ashes Come Nothing
En massa tomma ord
Hur kunde du sjunka så djupt
Blått, stormigt och kallt
Där lämnar vi varandra
- He Wears a Mask, and his Face Grows to Fit it
Oh how you wear that crown so lightly
Spewing prejudice while being against it
You sit on that throne so high and mighty
Spewing ignorance and judging all else
All you want is recognition
Everything you say is a contradiction
That crown and throne will be void some day
- In Darkness I Sleep
behind those lying eyes
in silence i preach
void of empathy
in your ignorance i breed
- Our Hearts were Gardens
I always used to believe
That what's current is the prime
But as my hairline recedes
My beliefs do the same
I miss the sensation of walking home in the dead of winter,
embracing what's real instead of escaping
I miss the times when we molded our futures
- Pretend
A boot stamping on a face sets the scene
for reality openly obscene
Taught not to question the roles we are granted
quelling urges of thoughts any grander
But I guess that it's hard to see
the horizon of a sullied sea
when ocean's stirred and the current wrecks
and shallow waters cover necks
- Reap What You Sow
Not a word learned or listened to
Wasting away is the norm to you
With your right arm raised, and it just strikes me
as hypocrisy singing "thou ancient, thou free"
In your final hour, when all the regrets dwell
Have you wasted your life and lived in vain?
- Seasons Don't Fear The Reaper, We Can Be Like They Are
Freedom - so seldom achieved
But we managed to build our safeplace,
Our haven where each dogday
made the pieces fall in place
Where forever seemed like yesterday
and our souls were set ablaze
- The Romans Make A Desert And Call It Peace
These walls that we put up are making short work
Pulling asunder and tearing apart
Enabling our senses to disconnect
Leaving eachother with nothing at all
I guess this feeling ain't mutual
Judging from your awkward conversations
You show no interest in our lives
- To Live is to be Haunted
We're settling for nothing less
But countless times of saying "no"
This nonchalance could not impress
But rather speed this newfound low
No refuge and no escape
From this situations shape
Our eyes are faint and and yet percieve
- We Wished to Free the Captured Foxes
Assault - on our civil rights
They don't care for you or your fair insights
Enforce - daily misery
Anti-progression of our liberty
Cruelty - apologized
As they breach your home and cause you demise
Menace - clad in navy blue
- You Embrace Your Decay
Don't deny your part in setting the tone for our end
You were always a sore that I could not amend
Nothing I said or did could ever have stopped this
Chokehold that you embrace and with it - your decay
And now we're finally out of bounds
You've served your last drink spiked with perfume
This rendevouz was fake from the get-go