The Special Goodness все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Not the WayYou know I've got a lot of love and I'm here to let it out
Now something's in the way and it's not what I'm all about
And it's often that the reason is it's coming from me
I'm getting fuckin' frustrated cos it's not the way I want to be
It's not the way I think I'm supposed to be
It's not the way I think I'm supposed to be
OopsOh no, I did it again
Don't look now, but I lost a fried
It might have been me but I think it was him
Makes me think I never had a friend
You wake up one morning and you're doing fine
Next thing you know,
You're saying that it happens all the time
Reason To WorryNeverending
Never to begin again
Not something you can lose
But something you can find
Another day goes right into another day
You've got something to do
You've got something to find