The Sky Above And Earth Below все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Or A Fistful Of Auburn SplendorIn your home I’ve found the most serene place that I have ever known. I want to wrap myself in it and live in it for days. The amber sky dyes your hair a reflection, and with a fistful of it I could melt the world. If only the notes on the hills would linger, the sky sings the sweetest song when we’re both here. I long to stay. But you’re somehow away. You stay away. Somehow I know we’re never truly apart, because the hills are still singing.
We Scattered AshesThat day we sat on the lot for hours, bathing on the concrete shore. Amber rays spilled down your back like a bucket of saltwater, sultry and sweet as it left our skin. These are times when we can’t keep up with ourselves. Words still don’t amount to the way we felt, only the words we spoke as we tangled in a half-windsor… “This is how we’ll remember it…” as if we knew. How could we know? I can’t stand such a selfish thought of you. Where are you? What are you doing? Do you remember?