bloopBloop низкочастотный звук, несколько раз зафиксированный Национальным управлением США по проблемам океана и атмосферы (NOAA) летом 1997 года.[1] По официальным заявлениям NOAA, источник звука неизвестен.
Источник звука должен располагаться примерно по географическим координатам 50°00′00″ ю. ш. 100°00′00″ з. д. (G) (O)(к юго-западу от Южной Америки). Общий характер звука позволяет предполагать, что он издан живым существом[источник не указан 450 дней], но такое существо науке неизвестно. Судя по пройденному звуком расстоянию, это существо должно быть огромного размера, гораздо больше голубого кита.
Если отбросить предположение о существовании в Тихом океане неизвестного науке вида гигантских существ, остаётся две версии: либо звук произведён большим количеством существ одновременно, либо в этом регионе кратковременно сложились уникальные акустические условия, благоприятные для сверхдальнего распространения звука. В качестве наиболее достоверной и вероятной, но официально не подтверждаемой версии, этот звук мог быть произведён большим скоплением гигантских кальмаров.
Небезынтересно, что координаты источника звука находятся недалеко от того места 47°09′ ю. ш. 126°43′ з. д. (G) (O), которое Говард Лавкрафт указал для подводного города Р’льех, в котором спит Ктулху.[2]
Catharsis Of A HereticI refuse to shroud my past
These walls in here allows no rest
Tomorrow morning I'll be dead
But this place will burn before the sun will drown in the ocean
And nothing will ever be the same again
Yes, you can put me to the test
FirmamentAnd God said,
Let there be the lights
In the firmament of the heaven.
Let there be lights in heaven to divide the day from the night;
And let them be for signs, for seasons and for days, and years;
And let then be for lights in the firmament to give light upon the earth.
Metaphysics Of The HangmanOn their long journey that leads them
Towards the light,
Winston Smith shall be their guide.
They're trying so hard to believe
That two and two always makes five.
(That two and two makes five.)
Reason won't concuss the irrevocable truth.
RhyacianA City of the blind
Their vile inhabitants
Abashed by their own lives'
The silent void of cogitations
Absence of signification
Committed to burn twice as long and half as bright
We're dashing forward with our eyeballs turned inward: until the end of time, the human eye
She was the UniverseMan is weaker and baser by nature than Thou hast believed him!
By showing him so much respect, Thou didst, as it were, cease to feel for him, for Thou didst ask too much from him - Thou who hast loved him more than Thyself?
Respecting him less, Thou wouldst have asked less of him.
That would have been more like love, for his burden would have been lighter."
I had a dream which was not all a dream
The sun was extinguished
And the stars wandered darkling in space
Swallowed By The EarthTonight the earth opened up
And swallowed quite a lot
Of all the pretty things
That don't mean anything to me (nor to you).
To anyone who likes the feel
Of cold wind blowing from the sea,
And dead leaves falling from the trees,
The Almightiness ContradictionIf He knew it all,
If He knew everything there is to be known,
Then that would mean that He would
Always know what to do next
To change the course of history.
He could choose to suspend the laws of nature.
He would always know the past and the future.
The First Commandment Of The LuminariesThe sun is a luminary whose egress
Is an opening of the sky
Which is found on the west
And in the east lies its ingress
The sun is rising through six openings
And there are six through with it sets.
The moon uses the same
The Origin Of SpeciesYes, it's quite hard to believe
That we all come from the same seed:
The scrub, the cockroach and the human being
It's hard to see how the perfection of complex organs was achieved without an engineer
But all you see is the human eye
On top of the mountain peak, so high
A steep wall of rock