10. FinaleLa, la, la, etc, etc
Jack's ok,
and he's back, ok.
He's alright.
Let's shout,
make a fuss,
scream it out!
Jacks lament [JACK]
There are few who deny, at what I do I am the best
For my talents are renowned far and wide
When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night
I excel without ever even trying
With the slightest little effort of my ghost-like charms
I have see grown men give out a shriek
With a wave of my hand and a well-placed moan
Kidnap The Sandy ClawsLalalalalala...
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight
Throw away the key and then
Turn off all the lights
First, we're going to set some bait
Inside a nasty trap and wait
When he comes a-sniffing we will
Snap the trap and close the gate
Making ChristmasThis time, this time
Making Christmas
Making Christmas
Making Christmas, making Christmas
Is so fine
It's ours this time
And won't the children be surprised
Sallys LiedEs liegt ein Unheil in der Luft
Ich fühl es tief in meiner Brust
Ich helfe ihm doch oh so gern
Und doch bleibt ständig das Gefühl
Das er wohl niemals kommt ans Ziel
Und weiß er wie sehr ich für ihn fühle
Im Herzen mein,
Похитить Санта Клауса-Похитить Санта Клауса?
-Можно я?
-Нет, я, пожалуйста!
-Джек послал троих, мы квиты
-Шито, Крыто и Корыто
Три бандита!
Ла ла ла ла ла ла