1977-05-05-Uptown Theater, Chicago, IL01. Fly Like An Eagle > Long Hard Ride
02. Searchin' For A Rainbow
03. Heard It In A Love Song
04. I Should Have Never Started Lovin' You
05. Take The Highway
06. Fire On The Mountain
07. In My Own Way
08. Never Trust A Stranger
Can't You SeeI am gonna take a freight train
Down at the station and
I don't care where it goes
I am gonna climb a mountain
The highest mountain, Lord
Gonna jump off and nobody gonna know
Fire On The MountainTook my fam'ly away from our Carolina home
Had dreams about the west and started to roam
Six long months on a dust covered trail
They say heaven's at the end
But so far it's been hell
And there's fire on the mountain
Lightening in the air
Heard It in a Love SongMarshall Tucker Band - Heard it in a Love Song
I ain't never been with a woman long enough,
for my boots to get old.
We've been together so long now
they both need resoled.
If I ever settle down
you'd be my kind
Hillbilly BandGatta get home before the sun goes down
Gatta go listen to my favorite sound
It's a hillbilly fiddle and an ol' guitar
Cousin stanely on a corn liquor jar
Sometimes I stay up late at night
A little moonshine whiskey and everything's alright
You'll probably get stuck, ya don't know where ya are
Love Is a MysteryLOVE IS A MYSTERY
(Toy Caldwell)
Yes, I'll answer your questions
I've answered them many times before
The answer is I think I love you
So will you answer these questions of mine?
Running Like the WindI say, how can you say
Where I'll be from day to day
When I don't even know myself
But the life that I lead
Is so full of mysteries
That's why I'm always on my way
And I'll be running like the wind
Running like the wind
Searchin' for a RainbowI rode into town today... in my mind, I said 'Lord I'd like to stay'..
Something in me said boy, move on...
Don't know what it is the good lord bred it in my bones..
And I'm searchin for a rainbow, and if the wind ever shows me where to go, you'd be waiting at the end and I know, I'd see the hill with that pot of gold.
I'd see the hill with that pot of gold
Take the HighwayTake the highway
Lord knows I've been gone too long
Lot of sad days
One day you'll turn around
And I'll be gone
And the time has finally come
For me to pack my bags and walk away
Hear me say
Windy City BluesI'm sittin' in Chicago on the thirtieth floor
Lookin' down on the city below
My heart is cold as the wind through the streets
And outside it's starting to snow
Weeks ago I left you in sunny Caroline
Sittin' in our home in the pines
I got a job to do that takes me away from you