Across The Western SeaAcross the Western ocean
As I was walking down the street
Across the western ocean
A furry young lassie I did meet
Across the western sea
She was a beauty bound and stern
Across the western ocean
And for her treasures I did yearn
Bonnets Of Bonnie DundeeSir Walter Scott
Tae the lairds i' convention t'was Claverhouse spoke
E'er the Kings crown go down, there'll be crowns to be broke;
Then let each cavalier who loves honour and me
Come follow the bonnets o' bonnie Dundee.
Come fill up my cup, come fill up my can,
Bridgit FlynnI've a nice little house and a cow or two with grass
I've a plant garden runnin' by the door
I've a shelter for the hens and a stable for the ass
Now, what could a man want more?
I don't know, maybe so
But a bachelor is easy and he's free
But I've lots to look after, though I'm living all alone
Sure nobody's looking after me
Buy Us a DrinkHere’s to the soldiers that march to the wars
With lovely tin hats and long woollen drawers
The Colonel says ‘Right lads, over the top!’
Then he stands back to watch while the poor buggers drop
Buy us a drink and I’ll sing you a song
Of the chances you missed and the love that went wrong
If you can’t buy us a whiskey stand us a pint
Castle Of DromoreThe October winds lament around,the castle of Dromore
Yet peace is in her lofty halls, my loving treasure store
Though autumn leaves may droop and die, a bud of spring are you
Sing you hushabye loo, low loo, low lan
Sing hushabye loo, low lan
Bring no ill wind to him nor us, my helpless babe and me
Cruisin' Round Yarmouthwhile cruising ‘round yarmouth one day for a spree
i spied a fair damsel the wind blowing free
i'm a fast going clipper me kind sir says she
i'm ready for cargo me hold is quite free
singing fal-der-all laddie right fal-der-all day
fal-der-all laddie i fal-der-all day
Did She Mention My NameDid She Mention My Name
(Gordon Lightfoot)
It's so nice to meet an old friend and pass the time of day.
And talk about the home town a million miles away.
Is the ice still in the river, are the old folks still the same?
And by the way did she mention my name?
Don't Call Me Early In The MorningDon't call me early in the morning,
Call me what you want to but leave me alone.
Don't call me early in the morning,
Just leave me till the cows are coming home.
A man or a woman they need the relaxation
From rising always at the dawn.
And the heart of the matter, tomorrow is a Saturday,
Down Among The Bushes Of JerusalemCome listen gentle Christians, and you Jews and Gentiles too
And all denominations, a song I sing to you
It's all about a young man, a rebel through and through
Down among the bushes of Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, down among the bushes of Jerusalem
Born of honest parents and below a shining star
The word went 'round the country and they came from near and far
Fiddler's GreenAs I walked by the dockside one evening so rare
To view the still waters and take the salt air
I heard an old fisherman singing this song,
Oh take me away boys, me time is not long
(chorus): Lock me up in me oilskins and jumper
No more on the docks I'll be seen
Just tell me old shipmates I'm takin a trip mates
Fuck The British ArmyWhen I was young, I used to be,
As fine a man as ever you'd see,
'til the Prince of Wales, he said to me,
Come and join the British army.
Too-ra loo-ra loo-ra loo,
They're lookin' for monkeys up in the zoo,
And since when have I had a face like you?
God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry, gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember, Christ, our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
Good King Wenceslas(John Mason Neale, 1818 - 1866; music arranged and adapted
by Loreena
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the Feast of Stephen
When the snow lay 'round about
Deep and crisp and even
Brightly shone the moon that night
Goodnight Irene
Goodnight Irene by The Irish Rovers
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Irene good-night Irene good-night
Good-night Irene good-night Irene
I'll see you in my dreams
Gracehill Fair
Johnny I Hardly Knew YeWhen goin' the road to sweet Athy, hurroo, hurroo
When goin' the road to sweet Athy, hurroo, hurroo
When goin' the road to sweet Athy
A stick in me hand and a drop in me eye
A doleful damsel I heard cry,
Johnny I hardly knew ye.
With your drums and guns and guns and drums, hurroo, hurroo
Lily the PinkA long time ago, when the earth was still green
And there were more kinds of animals than you've ever seen
They'd run around free while the earth was being born
But the loveliest of all was the unicorn
There was green alligators and long-necked geese
Some humpty-backed camels and some chimpanzees
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born
Maid Of Fife-OThere once was a troop of Irish dragoons
Come marching down thru Fife-y, O
And the captain feel in love with a very bonnie lass
And the name she was called was pretty Peggy-o
There's many a bonnie lass in the glen of Auchterlass
There's many a bonnie lass in Gairioch-o
There's many a bonnie Jean in the streets of Aberdeen
McDonalds' RaidersWell, an old castle towers o'er the billows
That thunder by Antrim's green land
And there dwelt as gallant a rover
That ever grasped sword in his hand
While eight stately towers o'er the waters
Watch over the northern domain
And Sorley-boy and his raiders
Hold the north Antrim coast in their name
Mick MaguireMe name is Mick Maguire and I'll quickly tell to you
Of a young girl I admired one Katie Donoghue
She was fair and fat and forty and believe me when I say
Whenever I'd come in at the door you could hear her mother say
Johnny get up from the fire get up and give your man a seat
Can't you see it's Mick Maguire and he's courtin' your sister Kate
You know very well he owns a farm a wee bit out of the town
New York GalsCan't You Dance the Polka? (Traditional - Lyrics from Songs of American Sailormen, by Joanna Colcord)
As I came down the Bowery
One evening in July,
I met a maid who asked my trade,
And a sailor John said I,
Then away, you Santy,
My dear Annie,
Only Our Rivers Run FreeWhen apples still grow in November
When Blossoms still bloom from each tree
When leaves are still green in December
It`s then that our land will be free
I wander her hills and her valleys
And still through my sorrow I see
A land that has never known freedom
And only her rivers run free
Rare Old Mountain DewLet the grasses grow
and the waters flow in a free and easy way
But give me enough of the rare old stuff
that's made near Galway Bay
Come gangers all from Donegal,
Sligo and Leitrim too
Oh, we'll give 'em a slip
and we'll take a sip of the rare old mountain dew
Rory MurphySaw ye Rory Murphy, Rory Murphy, Rory Murphy
Saw ye Rory Murphy comin' frae Dumbarton
Saw ye Rory Murphy, Rory Murphy, Rory Murphy
Saw ye Rory Murphy comin' frae Dumbarton
Now Rory was a piper bold
Hieland blood wi' in him flowed
Star of the County DownNear Banbridge Town in the County Down
One morning last July,
Down a boreen green came a sweet colleen
And she smiled as she passed me by.
She looked so sweet from her two bare feet
To the sheen of her nut brown hair.
Such a winsome elf, I’m ashamed of myself
The Belle of Belfast CityTell my ma when I go home,
The boys won't leave the girls alone,
They pulled my hair and stole my comb,
But that's all right 'till I go home.
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city,
She is courting, one two three
Please won't you tell me who is she?
The Biplane EvermoreWay out at London Airport
In Hangar Number Four
A lonely little biplane slept
Whose name was Evermore
His working days were over
No more would he sail
Upon his wings above the clouds,
The Biplane, Ever MoreWay out in London airport in hangar number four
A lonely little biplane lived whose name was Evermore
His working days were over no more would he sail
Upon his wings above the clouds flying the royal mail
Bye bye biplane once upon a sky plane
Bye bye hushabye lullabye plane
The Black Velvet BandIn a neat little town they call Belfast, apprentice to trade I was bound.
And many an hour of sweet happiness I spent in that neat little town.
But bad misfortune came o'er me, and caused me to stray from the land
Far away from my friends and relations. They follow the black velvet band.
Her eyes, they shone like the diamonds.
You'd think she was queen of the land,
And her hair hung over her shoulders,
The Day The Tall Ships CameOut of the mists of time they came
topsails flying high
Like phantoms of the past they flew
on billowed wings of white
fresh as the winds of morning,
light as the ocean spray.
A wonder to behold they were
as they sailed upon their way.
The Drunken ScotsmanWell a Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evening fair
And one could tell by how he walked the he'd drunk more than his share
He fumbled 'round until he could no longer keep his feet
And he stumbled off in to the grass to sleep beside the street
Ring-ding didle idle i de-o
Ring dye didley i oh
The Dublin Pub CrawlWe all went in to Kitty McGee's for we're a jolly crew
We all went in to Kitty McGee's to have a drink or two
Kitty McGee's, in Dublin town upon the crawl
A hell of a time was had by all, downward the beer and whiskey flew
We all went in o'hegarty's pub for we're a jolly crew
We all went in o'hegarty's just to have a drink or two
O'hegarty's, kitty mcgee's, in dublin town upon the crawl
The Flower Of Sweet StrabaneIf I were King of Ireland
And had all things at my will
I'd roam for recreation
More comfort to find still
But the comfort I would seek the most
So that you may understand
Would be to win the heart of Martha
The Flower of Sweet Strabane
The Jolly Roving TarWell here we are, we're back again safe upon the shore. In Belfast town we'd like to stay and go to sea no more.
We'll go into a public house and drink till were content. For the lassies they will love us till our money is all spent.
So pass the flowing bowl while there's whisky in the jar and we'll drink to all the lassies at the Jolly Roving Tar.
"Oh Johnny did ya miss me when the nights were long and cold, or did you find another love in your arms to hold."
The Limerick RakeI am a young fellow from the County Tyrone,
In the town of Strabane sure I’m very well known,
For down to the alehouse I’m frequently goin’
With Kitty and Ginny and Mary.
My father rebuked me for being such a rake,
And for spending me money on whiskey and cakes,
But the lassies are sweet and it’s all for their sakes,
The Orange And The GreenOh it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen
My father he was orange and my mother she was green
Oh my father was an Ulsterman, proud Protestant was he
My mother was a Catholic girl, from County Cork was she
They were married in two churches, lived happily enough
Until the day that I was born and things got rather tough
Oh it is the biggest mix-up that you have ever seen
My father he was orange and my mother she was green
The Rare Old Mountain DewLet grasses grow and waters flow
In a free and easy way
But give me enough of the rare old stuff
That's made near Galway Bay
Come gougers all from Donegal,
Sligo and Leitrim too
We'll give them the slip and we'll take a sip
Of the real old mountain dew.
The Rocky Road to DublinIn the merry month of May, From my home I started,
Left the girls of Tuam, Nearly broken hearted,
Saluted father dear, Kissed my darlin' mother,
Drank a pint of beer, My grief and tears to smother,
Then off to reap the corn, And leave where I was born,
I cut a stout blackthorn, To banish ghost and goblin,
In a brand new pair of brogues, I rattled o'er the bogs,
And frightened all the dogs,On the rocky road to Dublin.
The Scotsman A Scotsman clad in kilts, left the bar one evening fair
And one could tell by how he walked he'd drunk more than his share
He staggered on until he could no longer keep his feet
then he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street.
Oh, Ring-ding diddle diddle aye-dee-oh
Ring di-diddle oh day
He stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street.
The Unicornwords and music Shel Silverstein, new verse Andrew McKee
A long time ago, when the Earth was green
There was more kinds of animals than you've ever seen
They'd run around free while the Earth was being born
And the loveliest of all was the unicorn
There was green alligators and long-necked geese
Wasn't That A PartyCould've been the whiskey
Might've been the gin
Could've been the three or four six-packs,
I don't know, but look at the mess I'm in
My head is like a football
I think I'm going to die
Tell me, me oh, me oh my
Wasn't that a party
We Wish You A Merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy new year!
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas,
We wish you a merry Christmas
Weigh, Hey and Up She RisesWhat shall we do with the drunken sailor
What shall we do with the drunken sailor
What shall we do with the drunken sailor
Early in the morning?
Hooray and up she rises
Что нам делать с пьяным матросом
What Wid Ye DoOh, what would you do if you married a soldier?
"What would I do but to follow the gun?"
And what would you do if he died on the ocean?
"What would I do but to marry again?"
A rout the da dee the dum diddly da dum,
A rout the da doubt the da diddly da dum,
Da da diddly da dum, da dee, da dum
Whiskey In The JarAs I was going over the far famed Kerry mountains
I met with captain Farrell and his money he was counting.
I first produced me pistol, and then I drew me rapier.
I said stand and deliver, for you are a grand deceiver.
musha ring dumma do damma da
whack for the daddy 'ol
whack for the daddy 'ol
Wild RoverI've been a wild rover for many a year
I've spent all me money on whiskey and beer
But now I'm returning with gold in great store
And I swear I will play the wild rover no more
And it's No, Nay, never,
No, nay never no more
Will I play the wild rover,
Winken, Blinken and NodWynken and Blynken and Nod one night Sailed off on a wooden shoe Sailed down a river of crystal light Into a sea of dew
Now where are you going and what do you wish? The old moon asked the three Well, we're going out fishing for herring fish That live in the beautiful sea
And some silver and gold have we Said, Wynken and Blynken and Nod
The old moon laughed and sang a song As they rocked in their wooden shoe And the wind that sped them all night long Ruffled the waves of dew
While the little stars were the herring fish That lived in the beautiful sea Now cast your nets wherever you wish Never a feared are we
So sang the stars to the fishermen three Wynken and Blynken and Nod
All night long their nets they threw To the stars in the twinkling foam Then down from the skies came the wooden shoe Bringing the fishermen home
T'was all so pretty a sight it seemed As if it could not be And some folks thought t'was a dream They dreamed of sailing the beautiful sea
Wynken', Blynken' And NodWynken and Blynken and Nod one night
Sailed off in a wooden shoe
Sailed on a river of crystal light
Into a sea of dew
"Now where are you going
And what do you wish?"
The old moon asked the three