Admit DefeatHe wears the mask of my unborn son
I hate you, Devil
I know that you’re a disease
But you befriended me
Now I am afraid of you
I’m afraid to breathe
I feel your blood pour into my veins
Your voice, it speaks through me
I CreatedI was so sure that a life could exist
My heart held a cross
My heart held a love
But love for me could never stay
You love for me the said
It was hate waiting to breathe
And breathe it always has
I DestroyedI never asked to be but you made this in me.
And I feed it.
My skin knows evil so well but it never knew you.
I feed it alone from the disgust I hold in my hands.
I starved you of life when you had just shown me love.
But still that wasn't enough for me.
The taste of you grew so old.
And the touch of your ugly skin.
I HatedThis rooms become my prison
Of dark days and darker nights
A hate growing like a life
I'd never wish an existence for
Am I the reason your not alive
And im falling to my knees
Have you gone have you gone
I still want to be with you
I LovedDid I ever care enough to stop myself?
Did my begging heart get the better of me?
My hate can't exist if I'm alone in this body.
My hate can't exist alone.
Every breath of this plagued air that you're breathing in
You're breathing death.
As sorry as I already am I can't stop this from happening.
Nothing ever lasts in my head full of lies
I Never Breathed InTo you was I
The birth of another mistake
To you was I
A disease born into your son
When I’ve ripped out the eyes
The only eyes that ever looked up to you
When I grown the legs
That stand up to you
In DeathA heaven made in your love would not be made for me
I'm alone in this world
My dying life you won't see
I bleed real blood and I feel so ashamed
Left to live like a demon. In dark and in pain.
There's belief where I don't belong
And I thought I had found a home there
But I just found lies
In MiseryI feel like i've been left here to rot
I swear I used to feel so much more
I can barely breathe
I can barely speak. Honestly.
I don't know where I went so wrong
The truth I never spoke is I'm afraid of dying alone
But I know that's how this ends
Where are you when I need saving
Эта комната стала моей тюрьмойЭта комната стала моей тюрьмой
Темных дней и чернейших ночей.
Ненависть растет, как жизнь, жить которой я бы никогда не хотел.
Я ли причина, по которой тебя нет в живых?
Я падаю на колени.
Ушла ли ты? Я по-прежнему хочу быть рядом с тобой.
Если ты уйдешь, я уйду тоже.
Я найду тебя даже в том месте, которого не существует,